Anchoring a Unified Bioscience Credentialing System
In this video, published by InnovATEBIO, Bridgette Kirkpatrick and Tamara Mandell highlight their ATE project at Collin College, which aims to create a unified bioscience credentialing system by expanding state-level adoption of the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE). Project goals include the creation of a stakeholder task force in Industry-Recognized Credentialing System (IRCS) participating states, the implementation of BACE in these states, the engagement of teachers through the Biotility Industrial Biotechnology Teacher Experience (IBTE), and establishing the communication of BACE attributes through InnovATEBIO and the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing of Cell and Tissue-Based Products (CAMCTP). The video recording runs 17:32 minutes in length.