This scenario-based instructional activity card, from the ATE 2.0: Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project, was created to support the implementation of the Cross-Disciplinary STEM CORE Framework. This framework has the following three skill areas: Data Knowledge and Analysis, Advanced Digital Literacy, and Business Knowledge and Processes. Instructional activity cards were created for each skill area. These instructional cards can be used as micro-lessons to introduce new technology skills into the classroom.

This Entrepreneurship card is a part of the Business Knowledge and Processes skill area. The card defines entrepreneurship, and then provides information on how a technician will use entrepreneurship, vocabulary, education, future trends, and more. The last page includes the activity, where "students will investigate how AI and ML could be used to solve problem in their field of Study."

The Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core Framework and other activity cards are available to view separately. 

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