Preparing Technicians Using the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core

This video from Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work explores technological changes in the STEM technician workforce and how educators can meet those needs. Michael Lesiecki explores technological changes in STEM technician fields, highlights the Center for Occupational Research and Development’s (CORD) goals, and provides examples of new technician jobs. Ann Claire Anderson discusses the Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core project, which establishes a framework for educating emerging technicians in the following skill areas: data knowledge and analysis, advanced digital literacy, and business knowledge and processes. Anderson also highlights the integration of this framework into technical programs and explores how faculty and instructional leaders can implement this framework. Hope Cotner highlights tools and resources for implementing this framework, which include podcasts, instructional cards, student/instructor content, and a webinar series. The video recording runs 30:04 minutes in length.

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Alternate Title
Preparing Technicians Using the Framework for a Cross-Disciplinary Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Core
Date Issued
March 18th, 2022

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