Talking Technicians: Laser Technicians at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (Episode 1 of 11)

This episode of Talking Technicians, from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center, features an interview with Cierstynn at Lawrence Livermore Nation Lab (LLNL). During this interview, listeners will learn about her job at the National Ignition Facility at LLNL and how she became a technician. Cierstynn is a electronics technologist and a beam control operator. The goal of the National Ignition Facility is to create fusion energy. At this facility, Cierstynn and her co-workers aim 192 beams at a target that is as big as a pencil eraser. Fusion is created with every shot, but they do not get ignition every time.

This audio recording runs 14:19 minutes in length. The other episodes in this series are available to view separately.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Talking Technicians: Laser Technicians at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (Episode One of Eleven)
Date Issued
May 12th, 2021

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