These professional development materials are related to a hybrid, dual-credit course that was created by the Developing Photonics Education in Iowa's Rural Secondary schools project. This course and supporting materials were created to "increase the number of photonics technicians in the U.S. via the high school to community college pipeline. Participating teachers were given opportunities for professional development through two day workshops and five day institutes.

These professional development materials include a photonics program planning guide for high schools, a lab manual, a reference guide for instructors, a student guide, event agendas, two presentations, and related material. The presentations provide an overview of the program, related outreach efforts, the photonics course, needed course materials, course pedagogy, an introduction to photonics fundamentals, and more. 

The planning guide, reference guide, and student guide were created by the National Science Foundation project OP-TEC. The 22-page planning guide "contains information about career opportunities in photonics as well as guidelines for high schools to plan and implement a dual-credit course in ..." the fundamentals of lights and lasers. The 16-page instructor's guide includes module outlines with recommendations for things to discuss and equipment to use. THe 25-page student guide includes the labs. "The text is organized by activity, Each section starts with a safety note, followed by an equipment list, set-up instructions, and instructions or questions for the demonstration.

Course and outreach materials are available to view separately.

Below is a list of folders contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each folder and number of files is included in parenthesis. 

DPE Objectives 2 & 3 - Prfsnl Dvlpmnt Symposium & Institute (15 files, 31.3 MB)

  • Photonics Program Planning Guide for High Schools (2 Photonics_Program_Planning_Guide_for_High_Schools_2018.pdf 5.2 MB)
  • Photonics Lab Manual (3 Photonics_Light and Lasers Lab Manual for High Schools 2018.pdf 12.3 MB)
  • Introduction to Lasers and Optics Reference Guide for Instructors (4 Introduction_to_Lasers_and_Optics_Reference_Guide_for_Instructors_2017.pdf 1.2 MB)
  • Introduction to Lasers and Optics Student Guide (5 Introduction_to_Lasers_and_Optics_Student_Guide_2017.pdf 3.3 MB)
  • Photonics Symposium 2021 Agenda (6 IHCC Photonics Symposium 2021 agenda.pdf 112 KB)
  • Rural Iowa Photonics Education Presentation (7 IHCC RIPE presentation Photonics Institute 2021.pdf 2.3 MB)
  • Basics of Photonics Fundamentals (8IHCC Photonics Institute 2021 Basics of Photonics.pdf 5.2 MB)
  • DPE Photonics Institute Survey Results (2021 SM DPE Photonics Institute Survey Results.pdf 187 KB)
  • Agenda and Institute Report (Agenda & Institute Report.pdf 99 KB)
  • Photonics Symposium Flyer (IHCC 2 day Photonics Symposium 8.2020.pdf 138 KB)
  • Institute and Symposium Plan (Institute & Symposium plan.pdf 188 KB)
  • Photonics Events Handout (Photonics Events Handout SMR 2021.pdf 641 KB)
  • Photonics Offerings Email (Photonics Offerings email SP - SMR 2021.pdf 74 KB)
  • Science Teachers Recertification Offerings Letter (Science Teachers P.S. - P.I. & Guest Spkr.pdf 164 KB)
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