This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides presentations from three GIS professionals who share how their institution navigated the change from a desktop-centric GIS to a modern GIS, which integrates the web, desktop, mobile, and more. Best practices, positioning an institution for modern GIS, the growth of user bases, and time spent managing ArcGIS versus helping users are discussed in all presentations. Foundations of best practices are also provided, which include treating GIS as a resource for an entire institution, leveraging automation to manage GIS, and collaborating with key stakeholders across an institution. In the video, Erin Mutch also highlights the implementation of SSO and GIS courses at the University of California, Merced; Carlos Barahona describes the transition to modern GIS at the University of California, Davis; and Peter Knoop describes the transition at the University of Michigan.

The video recording runs 48:59 minutes in length. Additional videos from the summit are available to view separately.

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