Course in a Box: Chromatography Techniques

Program Description
InnovATEBIO offers a number of Course-in-a-Box resources intended for instructors to adapt and introduce into new courses. These collections of resources have been compiled and contributed by instructors of InnovATEBIO programs. Resources can include course descriptions, student outcomes, schedules, reading assignments, laboratory exercise, lecture materials, homework, classroom activities, exams, and videos.
Course Description
Chromatography Techniques "introduces the basic concepts involved in the separation of molecules. The purpose of this course is to give students a basic understanding of the basic underlying physico-chemical principles of the chromatographic process. It covers the principles governing chromatographic separation methods, applications of chromatographic methods used in biological and analytical labs, and techniques of chromatography. Students complete lab work using a variety of methods including: thin layer, gel permeation, ion exchange, gas chromatography, and high performance liquid chromatography." Additional course materials include a syllabus, laboratory exercises, worksheets, activities, lectures, quizzes, and a sample final exam.