Talking Technicians: Mark Experienced a Whole Career as a Technician (Episode 10 of 12)

This episode of the Talking Technicians podcast, from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center, features an interview with Mark, a microelectronics technician at the Manufacturing, Training, and Technology Center (MTTC) at the University of New Mexico. During the interview, Mark highlights his education and career pathway, work at Intel, work at the University of New Mexico with microelectronics machines, safety issues in lab environments, the interviewing process for technician positions, changes in the microelectronics industry, and advice for current and prospective STEM technician students.

This episode runs 23:28 minutes in length. Other episodes in this podcast series are available to view separately.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Talking Technicians: Mark Experienced a Whole Career as a Technician (Episode Ten of Twelve)
Date Issued
June 6th, 2022

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