MODE Webinar: Khan Academy Instructional Mathematics Videos in ASL (2 of 3)

This video, published by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is the second in a series of Math Observation in Deaf Education (MODE) webinars. In the video, Keith Mousley and Nick Catalano talk about their work with Khan Academy in providing instructional mathematics videos in American Sign Language (ASL). Background information on DeafTEC is provided. The Khan Academy ASL team's members, an ASL tutoring demo for educating on the order of operations, the origins of this ASL mathematics project, accomplishments of the Khan Academy ASL team, current projects, successes, and barriers and struggles are explored. Future developments include a website and outreach. The video recording runs 47:32 minutes in length.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Math Observation in Deaf Education Webinar: Khan Academy Instructional Mathematics Videos in American Sign Language (Two of Three)
Date Issued
April 14th, 2021

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