Course Description

This sample module from ITSC 1325: PC Hardware, a course that educates learners on how to "install, configure, secure, and troubleshoot operating systems software and hardware to achieve high availability and performance," covers end user system security. Module 5 progresses through the PBE process starting from deconstruction to the learning journey. The module includes information on security awareness, access issues, social engineering, data destruction and theft, virus and threat protection, and PC hardening practices in a virtual machine.

Collection Contents

This collection is composed of screenshots and documents from module 5. Screenshots capture images of course lessons, activities, and more in Canvas. Documents are composed of presentation slides, documents that introduce course content, a document summarizing the ITSC 1325 course, a spreadsheet with learning outcomes, labs, documents with lists of supplemental videos, and an exam. 01_ITSC 1325 Module 5 Deconstruction.pdf is available to view as a sample file.

Presentation slides cover user security awareness and device hardening. 

The introductory documents cover end user system security in general, user security awareness, and device hardening.

The ITSC 1325 summary provides a course description, course goals, course outcomes, learning outcomes, the structure of the course, and more.

The spreadsheet provides learning outcomes and additional information for instructors on assessment.

Labs highlight personal cybersecurity practices, computer threats, and device hardening. 

The lists of supplemental videos provide videos on malware, social engineering, mobile device security, and more.

The exam provides questions and answers pertaining to content in the learning module.

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

ITSC 1325 Module (32 files, 8.36 MB)

  • ITSC 1325 Course Layout Screenshots (19 files, 4.79 MB)
    • ITSC 1325 Homepage (00_ITSC 1325 Homepage.png 2,655 KB)
    • Module 5 Introduction (01_Module 5 Introduction.png 138 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 1 Introduction (02_Module 5, Lesson 1 Introduction.png 476 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 1 Instructional Content Part A (03_M5, L1 - Instructional Content Pt A.png 223 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 1 Instructional Content Part B (04_M5, L1 - Instructional Content Pt B.png 191 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 1 Activity (05_M5, L1 Activity.png 29 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.1a, Discover Your Own Risky Behavior Online Part A (06_Lesson 5.1.1a Discover Your Own Risky Behavior Online Pt A.png 65 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.1a, Discover Your Own Risky Behavior Online Part B (07_Lesson 5.1.1a Discover Your Own Risky Behavior Online Pt B.png 36 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.1b, Threat Landscape Part A (08_Lesson 5.1.1b Threat Landscape Pt A.png 60 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.1b, Threat Landscape Part B (09_Lesson 5.1.1b Threat Landscape Pt B.png 64 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 2 Introduction (10_Module 5, Lesson 2 Introduction.png 397 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 2 Instructional Content Part A (11_M5, L2 - Instructional Content Pt A.png 153 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 2 Instructional Content Part B (12_M5, L2 - Instructional Content Pt B.png 140 KB)
    • Module 5, Lesson 2 Activity (13_M5, L2 Activity.png 22 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.2, PC Hardening Part A (14_Lesson 5.1.2 PC Hardening Pt A.png 50 KB)
    • Lesson 5.1.2, PC Hardening Part B (15_Lesson 5.1.2 PC Hardening Pt B.png 86 KB)
    • Module 5, Mastery Assessment (15_Module 5 Mastery Assessment.png 55 KB)
    • Module 5, Next Steps (16_Module 5 Next Steps.png 27 KB)
    • Module 5, Evaluation (17_Module 5 Evaluation.png 53 KB)
  • ITSC 1325 Module 5 Deconstruction (01_ITSC 1325 Module 5 Deconstruction.docx 19 KB)
  • ITSC 1325 Module 5 Learning Journey (02_ITSC 1325 Module 5 Learning Journey.xlsx 75 KB)
  • Module 5 Introduction (03_Module 5 Introduction.docx 878 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.1 Introduction (04_Lesson 5.1.1 Introduction.docx 224 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.1 Slides (05_Lesson 5.1.1. Slides.pdf 858 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.1 Supplemental Videos (06_Lesson 5.1.1 Supplemental Videos.docx 149 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.1a Lab Discover Your Own Risky Online Behavior (07_ Lesson 5.1.1a Lab Discover Your Own Risky Online Behavior.docx 64 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.1b Lab Threat Landscape (08_Lesson 5.1.1b Lab Threat Landscape.docx 61 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.2 Introduction (09_Lesson 5.1.2 Introduction.docx 283 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.2 Slides (10_Lesson 5.1.2 Slides.pptx.pdf 830 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.2 Supplemental Videos (11_Lesson 5.1.2 Supplemental Videos.docx 149 KB)
  • Lesson 5.1.2 Lab PC Hardening (12_Lesson 5.1.2 Lab PC Hardening.docx 63 KB)
  • Module 5 Mastery Exam (13_Module 5 Mastery Exam.docx 9 KB)
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