Collection Description

This collection of promotional materials from Texas State Technical College (TSTC) highlights a performance-based education (PBE) model, which provides an alternative to a credit hour-based system of credentialing. In PBE, "student progress is based on demonstration of proficiency and/or mastery as measured through assessments and/or through application of credit for prior learning (PLA). With TSTC's performance-based education programs, time is the variable and student competency mastery is the focus, rather than a fixed-time model where students achieve varying results. The focus is on academic programs, practices, and policies."

Collection Contents

The collection is composed of marketing flyers, handouts, posters, and presentations.

PBE marketing flyers are targeted at students. Marketing flyers explain what PBE is and explore its benefits including scheduling, course delivery, and an industry skills transcript. Flyers also highlight the differences between traditional and PBE education.

Handouts, posters, and presentations are related to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Small Projects New to ATE Grant #1901776. The ATE Connects (2020 and 2021) PBE handout highlights the benefits of PBE for scheduling, course delivery, and industry skills transcripts. The Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE)/National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) conference poster highlights the goals of PBE, project objectives, course competencies, learning objectives, the implementation process, and resources about PBE. The Hi-Tech conference poster highlights the online competency-based education of technicians in computer-aided design and cybersecurity with information on the goals, objectives, PBE, and key resources. The presentation slides cover the transition of a cybersecurity curriculum from a hands-on model to a competency based education model and a PBE curriculum for cybersecurity. 

For orientation purposes Performance-Based Education_FL_1120.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

Promotional (7 files 5.1 MB)

  • Challenges of Moving Cybersecurity Curriculum at a Technical College from Hands-On to Online Presentation Slides (Challenges of Moving Cybersecurity Curriculum at a Technical College from Hands-On to Online.pdf 2,159 KB)
  • Long and Winding Road Presentation Slides (Long and Winding Road_ Navigating to a Cybersecurity Performance Based Education (PBE) Curriculum.pdf 1,397 KB)
  • PBE Comparisons Flyer (PBEcomparisons_FL_321_.pdf 128 KB)
  • PBE Comparisons Flyer 2 (PBEcomparisons_FL_321_-2.pdf 128 KB)
  • PBE Handout (Performance-Based Education_FL_1120.pdf 427 KB)
  • Poster: Cybersecurity Hi-Tech Conference (PosterSession - Cybersecurity Hi-Tech Conference POTX 0622 39973.pdf 313 KB)
  • Poster: CAE Symposium (PosterSession[Final] - CAE_SYMPOSIUM_POSTER_TSTC_05192022.pdf 677 KB)
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