University of Arizona FFA Agriculture Mechanics Career Development Event (CDE) Team Activity Solar Fountain Project

This webinar recording from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) features a presentation from Ed Franklin, who provides information about the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Agriculture Mechanics Career Development Event. This event is part of a state-level event for high school agriculture programs with FFA chapters. 25-30 teams compete with a total of about 100 contestants. The event has ten skill and problem-solving activities. Details about the event's background, solar outreach activities, examples of designs displayed at events, and more are highlighted. The video recording runs 55:43 minutes in length.

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Alternate Title
University of Arizona Future Farmers of America Agriculture Mechanics Career Development Event (CDE) Team Activity Solar Fountain Project
Date Issued
February 3rd, 2023
Archived with ATE Central

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