Regional Feedstocks: Are they the Answer to Achieving a Net Zero Future?

The Bioenergy Research and Education Bridge Program (BRIDGES) creates case study curriculum. BRIDGES is "focused on topical, authentic case study scenarios in the bioenergy field." The cases studies explore "... solutions for a more secure energy future using bioenergy technologies while addressing cultural responsiveness and issues surrounding diversity."

This case study, from the U.S. Department of Energy, is aimed at introducing students to the challenges and advantages of biofuels in the transportation industry. During the activity, "students will explore the potential of transportation biofuels, their impact on greenhouse gas emissions, as well as exciting careers in the bioenergy field." In the role of an intern investigating the biomass-to-bioenergy value chain, students are tasked with researching the best regional feedstock for producing high-quality fuel at a low cost. Students will also "... investigate the main types of biomass and waste resource materials and learn the ideal characteristics for conversion to biofuels."

A .zip file includes all case study materials, such as a fact sheet, instructor guide, and supplemental materials. Users may download the materials for one or all four case studies.

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