MNT-CURN Seminar Series: Antibody Engineers - Antibody Hackathon

This video is part of a series from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center's (MNT-EC) Micro Nano Technology Collaborative Undergraduate Research Network (MNT-CURN) Research Program. In this program, students gain hands-on research experience and build nanotechnology technical education skills. Throughout this video series, viewers "... will hear and see nanotechnology and microtechnology professors presenting about their own research and work -- from biosensors to underwater drones to nanomaterials." Each video covers a different specialty that students may want to learn about and pursue as an undergraduate research project.

During this video, Sandra Porter provides information about a hackathon related to antibody engineering. Porter discusses the importance of antibodies in biotechnology, their various applications, and the opportunities offered by hackathons. The presentation emphasizes the value of gaining skills in computational thinking, programming, and scientific literacy while encouraging participation in hackathons and research projects. 

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