This 27-page guide, created by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT), provides instruction on developing and implementing engaging virtual reality (VR) events. Advice featured in the guide is drawn from NCAT's experience hosting the online Autonomous Vehicle Technology Sensors: Air, Land, Sea virtual reality workshop in 2020. The guide features what worked, technically and logistically, in the event and what could could have been improved on. It also highlights participants' perspectives on being a part of a social VR event. The guide includes an interview with the event's visualization engineer, Mark Gill. Gill discusses the workshop's cost and equipment needs, time investment, necessary resources for a VR event, and more. The following appendices are included:

  • Teaching Using Social VR
  • Examples of Pre-Workshop Resources for Participants
  • Examples of Social VR Platforms
  • SCSU VizLab
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