This video, presented by instructor Tony Hills from the Cybersecurity Education for Advanced Manufacturing Organizations project, is the first in a series of six that describe an industrial zoning lab. This lab focuses on zoning and network segmentation in industrial environments. During the video, Hill explains the Purdue Model, which segments networks into four zones: the Enterprise Security Zone, Industrial Demilitarized Zone, Manufacturing Zone, and Cell Area Zone. The model ensures that critical industrial processes are isolated from less secure areas, like email servers, to enhance reliability and security. Hills emphasizes the importance of network segmentation, where devices on different segments only communicate within their own zone. This structure limits the potential impact of cyberattacks by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive areas, such as the Cell Area Zone, where critical industrial controls reside.

The video runs 5:16 minutes in length. Additional videos and the industrial zoning lab are available to view separately. 

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