MATE Safety Inspection Tutorial and Q & A


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For those interested, MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) will be holding a Facebook live stream for a tutorial on Scout and Navigator Safety Inspection, followed by a Q & A session. 

The tutorial and Q & A session is scheduled for Friday, Mar. 9 at 1pm PT and is hosted by Jill Zande and Matt Gardner.

Check out MATE's Facebook page for more information on the Q & A, or visit their website to learn more about the center. 

Webinar on Tuesday, March 6 - Re-visiting Your Sustainability Goals in a Post-Grant World


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We'd love to have you join us for the second webinar in our 2018 spring sustainability webinar series.

Sign up here to participate in Re-visiting Your Sustainability Goals in a Post-Grant World which will be offered on Tuesday, March 6th at 1:00 pm EST. Our guest speaker is Ann Beheler from the National Convergence Technology Center.

Visit the ATE Central sustainability page to sign up for any or all three webinars in this series (or view prior webinars). You can also check out our sustainability videos, created in conjunction with the American Association of Community Colleges and Pellet Productions, featuring a group of ATE community sustainability experts including NSF's ATE Lead Program Director, Celeste Carter.

The Midwest is Experiencing a Boon in Mid-Tech Jobs


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The coastal regions of the United States, specifically the West coast, are well-known for their technology sectors. The Midwest is not exactly turning into Silicon Valley, but it certainly is seeing a rise of what has been dubbed, “mid-tech,” jobs.

Traditionally, jobs in the Midwest have been blue-collar and trade-based. This has been shifting steadily over the years to technology jobs that don’t necessarily require an advanced degree. While not an official designation, mid-tech jobs can be defined as skilled tech work that doesn’t require a college degree: just intense, focused training on the job or in vocational programs like those of blue-collar trades of the industrial past.

View the main story on Quartz for the full report and to view state-by-state statistics.

STEM for All Video Showcase


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If you are engaged in a federally-funded project to improve Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and computer science education, you are invited to submit a video to the STEM for All Video Showcase and discuss it with researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public during an interactive week-long event.

Videos that address any of the following are invited:

  • Partnerships that advance education
  • Broadening participation & access to high-quality STEM experiences
  • Innovative practices transforming education
  • Research informing STEM learning and teaching

If you are not intending to present a video this year, please save the dates anyway.  Your participation viewing the videos, discussing them with presenters, and voting for your favorites is very welcome.

Presenter Registration Deadline: Feb 15, 2018 
Video Submission Deadline: Apr 25, 2018
Interactive Event: May 14-21, 2018 

For more information:

ATE Central Spring Sustainability Webinar Series


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To help support project and center sustainability planning and activities, and in collaboration with ITHAKA S&R, ATE Central has been offering webinars and workshops each year on an array of sustainability-related topics. This season, Rachael Bower from ATE Central and Nancy Maron, from BlueSky to BluePrint, will focus on topics useful to centers and projects at all stages of growth. This series addresses three critical angles – first, a basic “health check” to see how your project or center is faring today; second, strategies for moving forward, with a refreshed set of goals and priorities; and finally, taking to heart the need to plan for changes concerning the most valuable asset any project has: its people.

Webinar 1: Taking Stock and Planning for Success 
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 1:00 pm EST

Click here to register

How well is your project or center doing today? Where do you want it to be tomorrow? In this session, we will introduce a series of questions - a basic “health check tool” - you can start asking that will help you identify areas of strength that you may want to develop even further, and areas of vulnerability that you will want to address. Topics we...

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New from Pew: Women in STEM jobs experience high levels of inequality at work


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A new report from the Pew Research Center provides data, much of it disturbing, about the experiences of  women in the STEM workforce – including discrimination and hostility. Women who work in male-majority workplaces seem to experience the highest levels of discrimination (78%) in comparison with women who work in a mixed-gender workplace (44%).

The report also details information about the widely varying representation of women in STEM-related occupations. For example, in the 74 standard occupations classified as STEM in this study, women make up 7% of sales engineers, 8% of mechanical engineers, 95% of dental hygienists, and 96% of speech-language pathologists. The amount of women in computer occupations has actually decreased since 1990 – from 32% then to 25% today.

To view the report in full, please visit the Pew Research Center.

Charting a New Path to Success


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The Guided Pathways Project, which is an endeavor implemented by the American Association of Community Colleges and is supported by a number of organizations around the country, is scheduled to begin at 30 campuses in the U.S. in time for the fall 2018 semester. The project is described as, “a fundamental reordering of how colleges have been doing business for a generation or more, involving substantial changes to a college’s programs, services, business processes, and policies.”

The Guided Pathways Project, which began in 2015, is hoped to be a conduit for increased training, materials, and models in helping students organize and figure out their end-goals with support from their college.

Read the full report on Community College Week’s website.

National Science Foundation Hosting the 2018 Community College Innovation Challenge


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For the fourth year in a row, the National Science Foundation and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) are hosting the Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC). The CCIC is a two-stage competition for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) community college students and faculty to create innovative solutions to real-world problems. Teams compete for cash awards and finalists earn full travel support, for both students and faculty, to attend an Innovation Boot Camp in Washington, D.C. This competition is a great way to create a deeper level of engagement and interaction between students and faculty mentors and an effective route to establishing productive relationships with the NSF and the AACC. Entry details are as follows:

  • Must include 3-5 students per team
  • Teams must have a faculty mentor (from your college)
  • Teams must have an industry partner (outside your college)
  • Entries must include a written portion and a 90-second video
  • Submit from Oct. 18, 2017, to Feb. 14, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST
  • Must attend Innovation Boot Camp, required for student finalists and their faculty mentor, in Alexandria, Virginia, June 11, 2018, to June 14,...

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STEM for All Video Showcase


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If you are engaged in a federally-funded project to improve Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and computer science education, you are invited to submit a video to the STEM for All Video Showcase and discuss it with researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and the general public during an interactive week-long event.

Videos that address any of the following are invited:
  • Partnerships that advance education
  • Broadening participation & access to high quality STEM experiences
  • Innovative practices transforming education
  • Research informing STEM learning and teaching
If you are not intending to present a video this year, please save the dates anyway!  Your participation viewing the videos, discussing them with presenters, and voting for your favorites is very welcome.
Important Dates
Interactive Event: May 14-21, 2018 
Presenter Registration Deadline: Feb 15, 2018 
Video Submission Deadline: Apr 25, 2018

For more information:

Nominate a Project for the 2018-19 ATE Impacts Book!


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The newest version of the very popular ATE Impacts Book will be published in 2018 and will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ATE program, as well as highlighting the amazing work of the ATE community.  And, along with providing information about the ATE centers, this next version of the publication will also include information about 24 ATE projects and their impacts.

How will the featured projects be chosen?  We're glad you asked!

We are currently accepting nominations for projects from the community–this means that you can nominate yourself or another project that you think is doing innovative and exemplary work.  Please download a copy of the ATE Impacts Project Nomination Form that explains what we need in order to consider a project for inclusion in the 2018-19 book.  Please fill out the nomination form and return it to us (along with the required materials) by October 13th at [email protected]. Please keep in mind that in order to be included, nominated projects must be funded through at least part of 2018.

So put your thinking caps on and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions – email us at [email protected].

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