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Excelsior College and Polk State College:

Ensuring Workforce Readiness

Past Events

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Items 61 - 90 of 4,072

2009 National SBIR Transfer Program Conference

(4 days) SparksNV

The only national Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Conference in 2009 brings together representatives of 11 Federal agencies with innovative, high technology companies from across the national. The conference highlights renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies, and features one-on-one meetings with agencies, speed networking, and workshops related to proposal and corporate development.

International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO)

(4 days) OrlandoFL

The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) has a 27 year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the art in laser materials processing and predict where the future will lead. From its inception, ICALEO has been devoted to the field of laser materials processing and is viewed as the premier source of technical information in the field.

EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference

(4 days) DenverCO80202

We are living in challenging times, when the need for uncommon thinking is unprecedented. You have told us you look to EDUCAUSE for insight, thought leadership, and community interaction. One event delivers all this, and more: the EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference, where you will be able to tap into an expansive pool of the best thinking in higher education IT. Maximize the value of your travel dollars and join us November 3–6, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. We're offering the richest member-driven program ever, keenly focused on providing you with the kind of tangible value you can take back to campus and use all year long.

National Workshop On Challenges To Innovation In Advanced Manufacturing: Industry Drivers And R&D Needs

(2 days) GaithersburgMD

The objective of this workshop is to identify key industry drivers for advanced manufacturing technology innovation, and the measurements and standards related R&D needs required to enable these innovations. Drivers, needs, and technologies that span multiple manufacturing sectors are of particular interest, as are needs in infrastructural technology areas including measurements, performance metrics, test methods, and standards.

Successful Practices You Can Use and NSF/ATE Partnerships for Funding Technical Education.

Baton RougeLA70806

Baton Rouge Community College BRCC is pleased to host a National Science Foundation NSF funded South Carolina Advanced Technological Education SC ATE Outreach Workshop. We invite a team departmental or interdisciplinary from your institution to join us for this exciting professional development opportunity: Successful Practices You Can Use and NSF/ATE Partnerships for Funding Technical Education. At the workshop, representatives from the SC ATE National Resource Center for Expanding Excellence in Technician Education, along with Louisiana ATE partners, will share best practices in building technician programs and recruiting and retaining students, including successful collaborative teaching strategies and active learning techniques for teaching science and technology. In addition to learning about SC ATE-delivered teaching modules for technician education, your team will investigate avenues of NSF support for technician education at your institution and explore opportunities for collaborative ventures with other Louisiana institutions. Louisiana community college educators, with the support of Advanced Technological Education ATE grants from the National Science Foundation, can lead innovative efforts to improve STEM education and technician training in Louisiana, and ultimately the economic prosperity and productivity of our nation’s workforce. Each participant will be provided a $100 stipend and institutional teams will be given travel support. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The deadline for receipt of the application forms participant application, team application and departmental endorsement is September 1, 2009. We hope to see your team in November!

KITCenter - Fundamentals of Web 2.0 Part 2


This is the second part of a two part workshop while it might be helpful to have attended the first part it is not a requirement. In this hands-on workshop, we explore placing multimedia content onto a blog from other sources, such as streaming video, YouTube, pictures and other multimedia content. This area is known as Mashup. Online content will be available for participants to continue the learning processes. When you complete this workshop you will be able to impress friends and colleagues on your abilities of making dynamic content that can be used in your classes. Instructor: Vince DiNoto Workshop will meet from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm in Room 108 of the Business Building. This workshop will be held on the Southwest Campus of Jefferson Community and Technical College. The college is located at 1000 Community College Drive, Louisville, KY 40272.

American Evaluation Association Annual Conference

(6 days) OrlandoFL

The American Evaluation Association invites evaluators from around the world to attend its annual conference to be held Wednesday, November 11, through Saturday, November 14, 2009 in Orlando, Florida. We are fortunate to be at the world class Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, providing us with a beautiful venue and context for learning from one another as well as building in some time for relaxation and fun.

AEA's annual meeting is expected to bring together approximately 2500 evaluation practitioners, academics, and students, and represents a unique opportunity to gather with professional colleagues in a supportive, invigorating, atmosphere.

The conference is broken down into 41 Topical Strands that examine the field from the vantage point of a particular methodology, context, or issue of interest to the field as well as the Presidential Strand highlighting this year's Presidential Theme of Context and Evaluation. Presentations may explore the conference theme or any aspect of the full breadth and depth of evaluation theory and practice.

Harnassing the Power of Green

Hunt ValleyMD21031

Led by nationally known lean facilitator Mike Rothmeier, participants will be guided through an interactive process of (1) understanding the value of going green to the bottom line, (2) identifying quick wins for their organization, and (3) learning how to create a “sustainable” organization.

Who Should Attend?
Heads of operations or maintenance, Lean facilitators, “Green Team” members, Anyone interested in learning how easy-to-implement “green” changes can yield big savings

ATMAE 2009 Annual Conference: Emerging Green Technologies for Today's Economic Challenges

(5 days) LouisvilleKY40202

The 2009 Annual Conference of the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) will bring together over 200 presenters and over 500 attendees in Louisville, Kentucky for research presentations, workshops, student competitions and other events. The conference also includes seven workshops on topics ranging from program accreditation and scholarly publishing, to PID Tuning and Value Stream Mapping Simulation (the VSM Simulation workshop, “The Pizza Game”, on Thursday November 13, features presenter Bob Petruska, the Continuous Improvement Manager for the Schwan Food Company.) Attendees at the conference are students, faculty , and industry personnel from over 75 two-year and four-year colleges, universities, and companies throughout the U.S. ATMAE is the recognized specialized accrediting agency for non-engineering degree 2-year, 4-year and Masters degree technology, technology management, engineering technology and applied engineering programs in regionally or nationally accredited institutions in the United States, and the ATMAE Board of Accreditation meets at the conference for accreditation hearings and a business meeting on Tuesday November 10 and Wednesday November 11.

Our National Cybersecurity: Emerging Challenges and Strategies


The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Center for Security Studies invites you to a special, free event, Our National Cybersecurity: Emerging Challenges and Strategies, featuring a keynote speech by Dale Meyerrose, the first CIO for the National Intelligence Community and current vice president and general manager for Cyberspace Solutions at Harris Corporation.

"It is hard to overstate cyberspace's importance, its ubiquity and its impact to national security, banking, manufacturing, goods and services, energy, air traffic control, medical care, food supply, knowledge and life's ordinary routines," says Meyerrose. "The time has come for us to have a serious public discourse about it."

Who Should Attend:
Students, faculty, educators, policymakers, government officials, military personnel, defense contractors, law enforcement officials, interagency and private sector communities working and interested in cybersecurity, information assurance and homeland security should attend. This seminar offers an in-depth presentation and discussion about the United States cyberinfrastructure, the breadth of our information architecture and how together they prevent security breaches and foreign and domestic attacks.

A reception prior to the keynote speech will serve refreshments and offer the opportunity for attendees to network with professionals and experts in the cybersecurity field.

American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges

(4 days) Las VegasNV89109

The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges was founded in 1974. It is the only organization exclusively devoted to providing a national forum for the improvement of mathematics instruction in the first two years of college. AMATYC has approximately 2,500 individual members and more than 100 institutional members in the United States and Canada. Educators in 47 states and one Canadian province are represented through AMATYC's 44 affiliate organizations. AMATYC provides professional development opportunities for educators interested in the first two years of collegiate mathematics instruction through their annual conference held this year in Las Vegas, NV.

OP-TEC Workshop on Optics and Photonics Education

(2 days) RochesterNY14602

Optics and photonics applications are rapidly transforming the way we work and live. Photonics, and its applications, involve the cutting-edge use of lasers, optics, fiber-optics and electro-optical devices. Photonics has many applications in manufacturing, medicine, communications, solid-state lighting, and other high-tech fields. Thus, it represents a broad, commercially viable area in which American employers require a steady supply of well-qualified technicians.

The demand for photonics technicians in the United States is great and that demand is growing faster than the pool of qualified candidates. Since most of the skills needed for photonics workers at the technician level are obtainable through AAS degree programs, community and technical colleges provide the optimum environment for significantly increasing the number of qualified personnel available to U.S. employers in technical fields. Two-year colleges must also partner with high schools to design photonics career pathways to lead students through well planned secondary course sequences and into articulated two-year postsecondary programs. The creation of this secondary-to postsecondary “pipeline” of students is critical to the success of producing enough qualified technicians to meet industry needs.
In an effort to support and promote the inclusion of optics and photonics applications in secondary and postsecondary programs, OP-TEC, the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education, offers a free two-day Workshop on Optics and Photonics Education.

NTRCC/Green IT Summit


In a special partnership with the North Texas Regional Community College Consortium, the Center for Digital Education and the Convergence Technology Center are proud to announce the fifth administrative and instructional technology conference.

Running concurrently, with the North Texas Regional Community College Forum will be the Second Annual Green IT Summit, hosted by Convergence Technology Center, a regional center of excellence funded by the National Science Foundation. This can’t miss event will be held as a special professional development track. This day-long forum will feature inspirational speakers, workshops and an exhibit area. The focus of the day’s events is on:

* Technology integration in the classroom
* Impact of Green IT on businesses, college curriculum and faculty development
* Enhancing a college's ability to service its students
* Increasing efficiencies in administrative use of technology

Attendees will have an opportunity to network with each other and other groups, organizations and companies.

The conference is being offered at no charge to educators, school administrators or non-profit entities interested in technology in higher education.

Super Computing �09

(7 days) PortlandOR

SC09 will be the 22nd consecutive year of the SC Conference series – once again featuring an exceptional Technical Program, industry and research exhibits, Education Program and many other activities. For 2009, we have added three new Technology Thrust areas: Bio-Computing, Sustainability, and the 3D Internet. WHAT'S NEW • Al Gore to Keynote 22nd Annual Supercomputing Conference, SC09 Read more • Dr. Leroy Hood Selected as Plenary Speaker for the 22nd Annual Supercomputing Conference, SC09 • SC09 Masterworks Program to Present Compelling Lineup of Experts Read • Intel Senior Fellow and CTO, Justin Rattner, to Deliver Opening Address • SC Makes Tradeshow Week Top 200

Hands on Nanofabrication Workshop for Educators

(3 days) State CollegePA16802

This workshop will be an exploration of the world of nanotechnology. Participants will learn about the growing applications of nanotechnology in many industries including the biotechnology, MEMS, optoelectronics, chemical, and nanoelectronics industries. The basics of nanofabrication processes and tools will be covered and emphasized through processing labs held in the class 10 cleanrooms of the Penn State Nanofabrication Facility and the CNEU Teaching Cleanrooms as well as the CNEU Teaching Cleanroom. This three-day workshop is broken down into the daily morning lectures by nationally recognized Penn State researchers and engineering staff and into afternoon lab sessions in nanofabrication.

The Alabama Counseling Association Annual Conference

(3 days) BirminghamAL35203

The Alabama Counseling Association is an educational, scientific, and professional organization whose members are dedicated to the enhancement of human development throughout the life span. Association members recognize diversity in our society and embrace a cross-cultural approach in support of the worth, dignity, potential, and uniqueness of each individual.

Evaluation Webinar for New ATE Grantees

Congratulations on your new ATE grant! It's time to formalize and implement your evaluation plans. This webinar is aimed at helping new grantees and their evaluators get their evaluation work off to a good start. Join us on Wednesday November 18, from 1 - 2:30 PM (ET). Register for an informative and interactive 90 minutes. The webinar is free of charge.

Looking to formalize your evaluator-client relationship with a contract? We will share materials that can help shape a clear agreement.

Thinking about your evaluation budget? We'll offer guidelines and tips for maximizing evaluation cost effectiveness.

Still need an evaluator? We'll show you how to access directories of evaluators, offer guidelines for issuing an RFP for evaluation services, and suggest questions you should ask a potential evaluator.

Association for Career and Technical Education Annual Conference

(3 days) NashvilleTN37214

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. The conference provides speakers, presentations, and workshops dedicated to professional development and will be held Nov. 19-21, 2009 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort Hotel & Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

GeoTech Center Webinar Series- Getting Started with the SkillsUSA National Geospatial Challenge Contest

Join the GeoTech Center as Amy Ballard of Central New Mexico explains how to get your students engaged in the SkillsUSA National Geospatial Challenge. This hallmark event occurs every June in Kansas City, MO at the headquarters of SkillsUSA. Amy Ballard is the program director of the GIS program at Central New Mexico Community College and a member of the GeoTech Center team. Her students have successfully compete in the SkillsUSA competition, winning Silver and Bronze in the 2009 event. Event will include a Powerpoint presentation followed by question and answer.

IEEE Globecom @ Honolulu, HI


The Premier Telecommunications Event for Industry Professionals and Academics from Companies, Governmental Agencies, and Universities around the World Themed "Riding the Wave to Global Connectivity," IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 covers the entire range of communications technologies, offering in-depth information on the latest developments in voice, data, image, and multimedia. Hotel: 2005 Kalia Rd Honolulu, HI 96815 (808) 955-5139

Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee Annual Conference

(2 days) SacramentoCA95814

Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee Annual Conference “Using Data & the 2009 MAVCC Toolkit to Create Lasting Change for Nontraditional & Special Populations Students” December 2-3, 2009 -- Pre-conference December 1, 2009 (1- 4 pm) Location: Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza Hotel, Sacramento For more information: Holiday Inn Sacramento Capitol Plaza 300 J St, Sacramento - (916) 446-0100

KITCenter - What's New in Consumer and Educational Electronics


Workshop will discuss the changes in the electronic market place.What''''s new and the functionality, compared to older more established products. Concepts such as flash memory, video cameras vs digital tape cameras, Netbook PCs vs traditional laptops, quad core computers vs dual core, web cameras, wireless keyboards IR or Bluetooth. These topics and others will be covered in the workshop from both functional discussion and price comparison. Instructor: Vince DiNoto Workshop will meet from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm in Room 108 of the Business Building. This workshop will be held on the Southwest Campus of Jefferson Community and Technical College. The college is located at 1000 Community College Drive, Louisville, KY 40272.

Bringing Nanotechnology education into your classroom


The National Science Foundation, NSF, supports Centers of Excellence to bring cutting edge technical curriculum for us in the high school and community college environment. Two of these NSF Centers, The Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge NACK and the Florida Center for Advanced Technological Education FLATE have partnered with the University of South Florida College of Engineering Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Research Center NNRC to present a one day workshop on Nanotechnology based curriculum and resources, demonstrations, and tour of the USF nano facility. In addition, participants will be introduced to the STEM principles used to develop and measure the low pressure controlled environments used in micro, mems and nano technologies.

2009 AGU Fall Meeting

(5 days) San FranciscoCA94103


The Fall Meeting is expected to draw a crowd of over 16,000 geophysicists from around the world. The Fall Meeting provides an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to present and review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space. This meeting will cover topics in all areas of Earth and space sciences.

ICT Careers Day


If you are a high school teacher interested in bringing your technology students or an industry partner looking to participate, please email Dawn Zapata, BATEC Project Manager at [email protected] for registration information.

The ICT Careers Day, held in partnership with CAITE, is scheduled for Monday, December 14th at the University of Massachusetts Boston. This event brings together high school juniors and seniors to learn about technology through hands-on activities with industry partners. In years past, companies such as EMC, IBM, Microsoft, Suffolk Technology Partners and many others have participated in this event.

Items 61 - 90 of 4,072