Supported by the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education grant, the Map Your Success project demonstrates the high value and relevance of Geospatial Technology (GST) careers.
By partnering with the ATE GeoTech Center and the Maryland Geographic Alliance at Towson University, Harford Community College is increasing pathways into it's Geospatial Technology AAS and certificate programs. The College is developing statewide professional training opportunities for secondary educators, creating new curriculum, and hosting the annual International GIS Day—all while increasing outreach to local high schools and underserved individuals.
Harford Community College is implementing the Map Your Success project, an NSF ATE Track 2 Program Development and Improvement project, to increase pathways into its geospatial technology (GST) associate of applied science (AAS) and for-credit certificate programs. Specifically, the objectives of the project are:
- Enhance the GST AAS and certificate programs to align with workforce.
- Enroll an average of 20 GST AAS students and 20 GST certificate students annually, reaching approximately 100 students over the three-year ATE project period, by engaging secondary educators, high school students, and current Harford students in GST outreach and education opportunities.
- Retain and graduate an average of 80% of students in each program and support their advancement.
As geospatial technology (GST) applications and job opportunities multiply throughout traditional STEM and non-STEM industries, trained GST technicians and technologists now find themselves at the vanguard of technological innovation. Through the Map Your Success project’s diverse connections to schools, public and private employers, and to communities where workforce development is needed, Harford expects to demonstrate the high value and relevance of GST careers for a diverse range of students. Map Your Success has the potential for broad, sustained impact by establishing connections through professional development with high school educators and outreach to Harford County students, a large percentage of whom come from rural and underserved communities.
GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems
(GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference
in our society. Harford is excited to be part of this event which showcases innovative
applications of GIS technology through speakers, presentations and demonstrations.
Join us to learn more!
NOV 20, 2024 | 9 AM–1 PM
Principal Investigator
Tamara Biegas, PhD
tbiegas@harford.edu | 443.412.2304
Co-Principal Investigator
Tony Wohlers. PhD
twohlers@harford.edu | 443.412.2361