Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Monday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

Upcoming Events

September 11 Networks Webinar: Energy Utilization Online
September 18 GeoTech Center/KITCenter - Fundamentals Of GPS Louisville, KY
September 21 - December 11 OP-TEC Online Professional Development Course - Fundamentals of Light and Lasers Waco, TX
September 22-24 Green Manufacturing Expo Rosemont, IL
September 30 - October 2 National Coalition of Advanced Technology Centers Fall Conference 2009 Chicago, IL
September 30 - October 3 National Career Pathways Network Annual Conference 2009 Atlanta, GA
October 2 KITCenter - Fundamentals of Web 2.0 Part 1 Louisville, KY
October 7-9 Center for the Advancement of Process Technology Critical Issues and Best Practices Conference Galveston Island, TX
October 9 Networks Webinar: Sustaining Technical Programs Online
October 11-14 CIT: Confernece on Information Technology Detroit, MI
October 17-20 National Council for Workforce Education Annual Fall Conference 2009 Seattle, WA
October 20 Evaluate Workshop: Developing Evidenced-Based Assessment Processes:
Keep it Simple - TIME Center, Community College of Baltimore County--Catonsville
Catonsville, MD
October 21-23 ATE National Principal Investigators Conference: Technicians in the Green Economy Washington, D.C.
October 28-30 Alabama Workforce Development Conference Montgomery, AL
November 3-6 EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference Denver, CO
November 12-15 American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Las Vegas, NV
November 19-21 Association for Career and Technical Education Annual Conference Nashville, TN

If you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection please send them to

Featured ATE Project

Wind Energy Technician Program

This program, from Laramie County Community College in Wyoming, in wind energy technology aims to "teach and train the workers who will maintain the wind turbines cropping up around the state." Created by NSF's Advanced Technological Education Program, this program seeks to create a workforce to harness the mixed blessing of the state's abundant potential wind energy. On this site, visitors will find out more about how the program started, the coursework required to complete the various degree programs, the benefits of this career choice, as well as additional web resources.

Featured ATE Resources

Here is a small sample of the valuable resources in ATE Central that focus on Energy:

From MATEC NetWorks:

Build-It Solar: The Renewable Energy Site for Do-It-Yourselfers

This is an extensive site if you are looking for student activities and classroom projects in the area of renewable energy. It includes plans, tools, and information to do renewable energy and conservation projects. The section on design information and tools for building renewable energy projects includes some sophisticated simulations. Educational materials are given on a variety of topics such as electrical analysis including sizing of PV arrays, wire sizing, and electric motors.

From eERL:

How Clean is the Electricity I Use?

This site from the EPA provides a useful Energy Pollution Calculator which will help students and other interested persons calculate the greenhouse gases and other pollutants created from the energy they consume.  The caluculator determines users' power grid region based on ZIP code and electric utility, compares the fuel mix and air emissions rates of the electricity in users' region to the national average, and determines the air emissions impacts of electricity use in users' home or business. The calculator is a handy tool and very easy to use.

From the National Center for Manufacturing Education (NCME):

Incorporating Energy Issues into Environmental Engineering

No single engineering discipline has integrated renewable and sustainable energy topics into their core curriculum. Environmental engineering programs may benefit from including sustainable energy in their curriculum. Many students in a freshman-level introductory Environmental Engineering (EVEN) course viewed EVEN as a potential major to study renewable energy, but many have since indicated that they plan to switch into other majors. Twelve of the 46 students in the class indicated that energy was their primary specialty choice (second only to 14 students stating an interest in water). Student interest in energy related topics was also strongly apparent among the applicants to a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in EVEN, with 42 of 84 applicants stating an interest in working on research related to energy topics. These energy projects were the most popular among all of the 15 different research topics advertised. This paper describes the existing energy-related courses at the University of Colorado at Boulder. It also describes ways to incorporate sustainable energy into existing courses. Environmental engineering needs to determine what its niche will be in relation to sustainable energy topics, and train students in this important area.

For more ATE resources about Energy please visit:

News & Reminders

If you are part of an ATE project or center and would like to learn more about becoming involved in ATE Central, please start by filling out the ATE Central Survey ( to provide us with additional information about your project or center and how ATE Central can best serve your needs.

In addition to completing the survey, you may also want to download the ATE Central Handbook at Here you will find information about ATE Central and how your project or center may take part and benefit from ATE Central's portal and services.