ATE Central Handbook
As of December 2020, the ATE Central Handbook has been replaced with the ATE 101 section of our website. Please refer to these pages for the most up-to-date information.
Welcome to the ATE Central Handbook! A major goal of the material gathered here is to help ATE projects and centers integrate information about their initiatives, events, and valuable resources created and collected into the ATE Central portal and through ATE Central disseminate that information out to others in the NSF community and beyond. We look forward to working with you to expand the material gathered here to make this a useful and useable tool.
We look forward to working with centers and projects to gather best practices in evaluation, collection development, and sustainability, and other materials that can extend the usefulness of this publication to the ATE community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with feedback, questions or concerns at: [email protected]
Download the ATE Central Handbook (PDF)
Latest Handbook Update: June 8, 2016