ATE is Advanced Technological Education. With an emphasis on two-year colleges, the National Science Foundation's ATE program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy.
2025 ABRF Annual Meeting
March 23 Las Vegas, NV
The 2025 ABRF Annual Meeting, What happens in Cores doesn't stay in Cores, March 23-26, 2025, in Las Vegas, NV. The Meeting brings together scientific leaders to commemorate past, present, and future impacts of science on our lives as we band together to make a collective difference in this increasingly global society.
The ABRF is a professional association that represents core facilities in companies, Universities, and research institutions. These laboratories provide services such as DNA sequencing, genomics, proteomics, flow cytometry, image analysis, single-cell analysis, animal research, 3D printing, and more.
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2025 Hawaii STEM Conference
March 24 Honolulu, HI
The 16th annual Hawaii STEM Conference brings together students, teachers, and industry professionals across all six major Hawaiian islands for a 2-day immersive STEM experience. Hosted by STEMworks™, an education to workforce program by Maui Economic Development Board, this event features keynote speakers, hands-on professional development sessions, networking, on-site competitions, a STEM playground, and the always much-anticipated STEMMY awards.
This year’s conference theme, “Our Kuleana, Our Future: STEM Solutions for Hawaii,” addresses the state’s workforce challenges and emphasizes the importance of setting homegrown students up for success within Hawaii. Through hands-on sessions led by professionals in fields including health care, engineering, computer science, entrepreneurship, agriculture, and much more, attendees will leave inspired by their memorable experience.
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MN Aviation Maintenance Technician And IA Renewal Conference
March 25 Brooklyn Center, MN
This conference attracts aviation maintenance professionals, including college and university students, from Minnesota and around the country for continuing education credit, networking, and Inspection Authorization renewal. The conference offers 11 hours of training over one and a half days. Attendees can earn their eight hours of FAA-required annual accredited training toward their IA certification. There are concurrent sessions that provide aircraft maintenance related topics. The FAA will be on-site to answer your questions.
The annual aviation technician conference also showcases over 50 industry exhibits featuring the latest and best in aviation projects, technology, and services, along with career recruiting opportunities.
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Starting an Undergraduate Research Experience Program for CC Students
March 26 Online
Join Brian Ritter and Jimmy Wiebler from Nahant Marsh Education Center to learn about how they worked with their local colleges to create a successful URE program for community college students in Environmental Technology disciplines. Learn how they started, what they have experienced over the years as successes and obstacles to overcome, and ask them your own questions about starting a program at your college, organization, company, etc.! Regardless of your experience with URE opportunities, we expect that something in this conversation will be useful!
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NSF ATE Annual & Project Outcomes Report Webinar
March 26 Online
Join this webinar from Mentor-Connect to learn more about NSF ATE Annual & Project Outcomes Report.
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MEEd 2025 ASME Mechanical Engineering Education Summit
March 27 Los Angeles, CA
Join the ASME Mechanical Engineering Education (MEEd) Summit, which was launched in 1989. MEEd is the only conference specifically designed for mechanical engineering and engineering technology educators and leaders, from academia, industry, and government, that takes an in-depth look at the current and future challenges and opportunities impacting mechanical engineering education.
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ADMI 2025 Symposium
March 27 Charlotte, NC
The Association of Computer Science Departments at Minority Institutions (ADMI) is hosting a symposium devoted to computing issues relevant to minority students, education and institutions. This 2025 Symposium will be held in-person and will highlight undergraduate and graduate research with particular interest on innovations in the computing field. The theme of this year's symposium is Enhancing AI Capacity at Minority Serving Institutions.
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NRIC 2025: Quantum Simulation and Quantum Computation
March 28 Lincoln, NE
Nebraska EQUATE invites its participants and partners to learn and network to advance quantum science innovation. The 2025 Nebraska Research and Innovation Conference -- Quantum Simulation and Quantum Computation -- will take place Friday, March 28, at the Graduate Hotel in downtown Lincoln. This all-day meeting includes invited speakers and poster sessions with student and post-doctoral researchers from Nebraska' EQUATE project. The cost to attend this event is free, however pre-registration is required: No later than Friday, February 28.
Annual NRIC events are conducted by Nebraska EPSCoR with funding via NSF OIA-2044049 (Nebraska's Emergent QUAntum materials and TEchnologies "EQUATE" research collaboration).
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A Case Study in Machine Learning (ML) Using Transfer Learning Models
March 28 Online
Join FLATE for an interactive, hands-on virtual workshop where you’ll explore real-world applications of machine learning in manufacturing. Participants will work together, experimenting with diverse data sets to uncover insights and solve challenges. This collaborative session is designed to equip you with both the theory and practice needed to apply ML techniques effectively in the manufacturing sector.
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Workplace Navigation Training Workshops - Negotiating for What You Need
March 28 Online
A career conversation with your mentor-manager is essentially a negotiation. It's a time to discuss your career path, what types of support your mentor-manager is willing and able to offer, and the level of productivity they'll need to see to continue to support you. Using best practices from Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most (Stone, Patton, Heen and Fisher), participants will go through the steps of preparing for a negotiation (including identifying conversational goals and concerns about the conversation, assessing their research mentor's position and preferences, etc.), brainstorm different conversational tactics for each stage of a negotiation (including opening the conversation, negotiating different issues, coming to agreement and ending a conversation) and consider steps post-conversation.
- Workshop participants will come away with strategies to:
- Identify the steps to prepare for a career conversation
- Consider how your mentor-manager would prefer to have this conversation
- Develop talking points to keep the conversation on track
- Discuss how to open, have and exit the conversation
- Identify strategies if a conversation becomes contentious
- Describe next steps post-conversation(s)
Presenter: Naledi Saul, MPM, Director, UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development
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ATE Project Talks: Fulfilling the Promise of Anytime, Anywhere DNA Sequencing
March 28 Online
Welcome to the 2025 InnovATEBIO series of virtual ATE project talks. This series features leaders in biotechnology workforce education from across the US sharing their work on exciting projects funded by the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The ATE program supports the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy.
Talk 1: DNA Subway 2.0
Enhancing DNA Subway 2.0 as a Shared Resource for Bioscience Workforce Development - this project has partnered with Oxford Nanopore Technologies to make its MinION device an accessible and affordable solution to bring DNA sequencing into teaching laboratory. At the same time, this project has redeveloped DNA Subway 2.0 as a mobile-first application designed to work equally well on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. Together, these advances enable the sequencing and analysis of DNA barcodes in the field, in school, or at home—by anyone, at any time. This session will introduce you to nanopore sequencing and its surprisingly low cost. You will be guided you through the entire bioinformatics workflow to analyze DNA barcodes produced by nanopore sequencing.
Speaker: David Micklos, Executive Director, Dolan DNA Learning Center
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Lights Out Project – Eliminating Light Pollution and Driving Student Inquiry Webinar
April 1 Online
Join the webinar on Lights Out Project – Eliminating Light Pollution and Driving Student Inquiry from CREATE as a part of their Spring 2025 Innovation Webinar Series.
The past four years, CREATE has sponsored the Call for Innovative Ideas, highlighting the outstanding work faculty have done to integrate technology, engage students with industry-relevant tools, and create student-centered, hands-on courses. This year they are excited to announce their line up of Innovation presentations. These webinars are 30 minutes and showcase the amazing work being done by energy educators across the nation.
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Women in Cybersecurity Conference
April 2 Grapevine, TX
The WiCyS conference is the premier event to recruit, retain and advance women in cybersecurity— all while creating a community of engagement, encouragement and support at a technical conference for women and allies. WiCyS brings together women and allies in cybersecurity from academia, research, government, and industry.
Conference components include: Keynote Speakers, Technical Presentations, Workshops, Panels, Lightning Talks, Networking Socials, Résumé Reviews, Mock Interviews, Professional Headshots, Career Fair for organizations to hire professionals and students, Capture-the-Flag Competition, Breakfast to honor military and more.
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ATE Projects and Centers
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies topics include:
- Additive manufacturing
- Automotive manufacturing
- General manufacturing
Agricultural and Environmental Technologies topics include:
- Agriculture and aquaculture
- Environmental technologies
- Natural resources
- Nuclear power
- Solar energy
- Wind power
Bio and Chemical Technologies topics include:
- Biotechnology
- Chemical and process technologies
Engineering Technologies topics include:
- Electronics and controls
- General engineering
- Marine technologies
- Materials technologies
- Optics
- Space technologies
General Advanced Technological Education topics include:
- Evaluation
- Learning research
- Recruitment
- Teacher preparation
Information and Security Technologies topics include:
- Geospatial technologies
- Information and communications technologies
- Logistics
- Security, information assurance, and forensics
Micro and Nanotechnologies topics include:
- Microsystems
- Semiconductors
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, teaches students which patients, from a variety of samples, have diabetes. Students will measure "...the glucose concentration of several synthetic blood and urine samples..." This contains a 13-page teacher guide, that provides preparation information, materials needed, and instructional procedure. The lab also includes a student guide, presentation on Biosensors, and a Jeopardy Game relating to the subject.
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This 7-page resource, published by the American Samoa Technician Education Readiness Pathway Project (ASTERP), is a lesson plan for a 6-week robotic arm building activity. Students "will create their own hydraulically powered robot arms for this assignment to transport marshmallows." The lesson plan includes instructions, a lesson timeline, materials and facilities needed, resources for building the robot arm, and learning objectives/lesson outcomes. Throughout the activity, students will:
- Learn the about the Engineering Design Process
- Participate in a team-based learning experience
- Learn about hydraulics and hydraulic systems
- Have fun experiencing engineering
Additional lesson plans from ASTERP are available separately.
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Biofab Explorer, provided by CAST, is a "free career guidance resource created to attract and inspire students to the emerging field of biofabrication." On the front page of Biofab Explorer, learners can read about the biofabrication process, watch biofab case study videos, and explore the biofab careers page, which includes video testimonials and information on several careers in biotechnology. Also featured are biofab challenges, which make up a "series of work-based learning simulations that will model what it is like to work in the biofabrication industry." Throughout the challenges, students will practice real-world skills, such as data analysis, communication, and observation. Included are student worksheets and presentation slides. Additionally, Biofab Explorer includes information for teachers regarding using resources on the website for in-class activities.
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This 17-page article, provided by Indian River State College, presents the results of a quantum industry survey on the skills and competencies necessary in a quantum technician workforce, followed by recommendations for quantum technician curricula based on the survey results. The article provides an overview of the quantum industry in the United States and an analysis of current quantum education programs, highlighting the insufficient technical training in quantum technologies to meet the projected need for a quantum technician workforce. Additionally, the article discusses the EdQuantum project, which aims to create a curriculum in quantum technologies for technicians.
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This 15-page report, provided by the Cybersecurity Education for Advanced Manufacturing Organizations (CAMO) project, summarizes the build process for CAMO training scenarios, the results of implementing scenarios, and the lessons learned throughout. The training scenarios were developed by CAMO to address poor cybersecurity defenses in manufacturing organizations and the lack of security awareness among engineering technicians. The scenarios were designed to make cybersecurity instruction as accessible as possible, and can be used in both face-to-face and remote learning environments. The report provides an overview of the scenarios, discussing the content of each, their development, how to use them, and their impact on students. The scenarios have been used in high schools, two-year colleges, and four-year colleges. The report includes statistics on the efficacy of the each scenario. Also discussed in detail is the virtual industrial control system (ICS) designed for the project,...
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Active ATE Centers | 19 |
Active ATE Projects | 297 |
ATE Resources | 6,791 |
New Projects/Centers | 60 |
New Resources | 131 |
ATE Resources by Subject Area
ATE Events by Subject Area
Upcoming Event: AI National Conference 2025
Planned and hosted by Houston Community College, the AI National Conference 2025 will occur April 9 – 11, 2025 on the West Loop Campus in Houston, Texas. This National Applied AI Consortium-sponsored event offers opportunities for individuals to explore, learn, and interact with innovative technologies that leverage artificial intelligence (AI). Highlighting the spectrum of potential uses and never-ending possibilities for AI, the conference brings together students, educators, and those in industry.
Attendees will engage with featured presentations, expert panels, faculty workshops, interactive learning activities, cutting-edge demonstrations, and professional development opportunities. Topics of discussion include fostering partnerships with industry, growing and preparing a skilled workforce, strengthening AI education and curricula, establishing best practices, and diving into current and future ethical considerations.
Learn more and register for the AI National Conference 2025 here.
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Upcoming Event: 2025 AACC Annual Conference
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conference will take place April 12-16, 2025, in Nashville, Tennessee, bringing together leaders, educators, and partners in the two-year college community. This conference offers opportunities to engage with new research, solutions, and practices shaping the future of community colleges. Attendees will gain insights from keynote speakers, participate in breakout sessions that tackle challenges in higher education, and explore emerging technologies designed to enhance student success. With peer-to-peer learning sessions and networking opportunities, the conference will foster collaboration in community college education.
Designed for a broad audience—including CEOs, executives, faculty, administrators, trustees, and industry partners—the AACC Conference provides tailored content for professionals at all levels. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the conference—register today online.
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New Project Results: BlueSky Tennessee Institute
To address the growing shortage of qualified professionals in information technology and cybersecurity, East Tennessee State University (ETSU) partnered with BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) to create the BlueSky Tennessee Institute. This groundbreaking initiative offers students a 27-month accelerated pathway to earn a bachelor’s degree in computing with a concentration in information systems, while gaining hands-on experience through internships and real-world business projects at BCBST’s headquarters. Designed to attract students, particularly from underserved communities, the program provides scholarships and financial aid, making it accessible at little to no cost. Upon graduation, students receive a guaranteed job offer at BCBST.
The impact of this innovative partnership has been immediate and significant. Enrollment in the first cohort exceeded expectations, nearly doubling the projected number of students. By aligning industry needs with academic training, ETSU and BCBST have created a scalable model for workforce development, ensuring students are well-prepared for careers in high-demand fields. Beyond addressing labor shortages, the BlueSky Institute...
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New Research: Supporting Parenting Students
'Parenting students' (or students with children) can face financial and basic needs insecurity, which jeopardize their academic success.
To address these challenges, the Parenting Students Project (PSP), a pilot initiative by Austin Community College District and United Way for Greater Austin, provides participating students with a $500 monthly stipend, peer support meetings, and academic resources.
A mixed-methods evaluation by Trellis Strategies found that the PSP had a substantial positive impact on student retention, financial stability, and sense of community. PSP participants were significantly more likely to stay enrolled, experienced reduced reliance on student loans, and benefited from a strong peer network that fostered confidence and mental well-being.
Findings show that 88% of PSP participants remained enrolled or graduated, compared to 54% of non-participating parenting students. The stipend allowed students to reduce work hours, purchase reliable transportation, and focus more on their studies. Monthly peer meetings also provided essential social support, reinforcing a sense of belonging and motivation.
Many students credited PSP with helping them persist in their...
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