ATE is Advanced Technological Education. With an emphasis on two-year colleges, the National Science Foundation's ATE program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy.

Summer 2024 STEM Educator Energy Institute


July 16 Pittsboro, NC

Are you a high school or community college instructor interested in learning new ways to incorporate effective and engaging renewable energy education in your classroom? If so, please consider applying to the 2024 NC STEM Educator Energy Institute and learn from a team of technical educators with over 50 years of renewable energy experience.

The Institute, put on in collaboration with Central Carolina Community College, the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education (CREATE), and the National Science Foundation, is designed to provide educators:

  • An opportunity to gain hands-on experience with tools of the trade
  • Complete classroom and lab activities that will bring solar energy to life in your classroom.
  • A chance to network with other STEM and Energy Instructors
  • Access to funds for materials to use in your classroom

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Weld-Ed Summer Training - Surface Inspection NonDestructive Testing


July 16 Chattanooga, TN

Join Weld-Ed for a Summer Workshop from July 16-18 for a 3-Day Summer Session on Surface Inspection NonDestructive Testing at Chattanooga State Community College!

What's included:

  1. Training materials: Participants will receive a complete set of training materials for classroom use.
  2. Food: Lunch will be provided at the training site each day.
  3. Hotel: Lodging will be provided for non-local attendees or as needed.
  4. Professional Development Hours

$49.00 – Affiliate Price

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NACAT Conference


July 22 Plainfield, IN

Most instructors know the automotive concepts and can get technical training virtually anywhere, but what about learning strategies to teach the material? This is where the NACAT Conference stands out from all other conferences and associations. The 2024 NACAT Conference has several sessions on how to teach certain material, resources for evaluating students, roundtable sessions to share ideas and experiences from other educations, and much, much more!

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Battery Electric Vehicle Sumer Institute


July 22 Dayton, OH

Faculty will apply to participate through an online registration page on the project website. To participate, faculty members must provide a letter of support from their home institutions certifying support of their participation and must:

  • Teach at an ASE Education Accredited postsecondary institution
  • Hold an ASE certification in an area affected by electric vehicle technology
  • Have at least two years of experience teaching automotive technology
  • Agree to integrate new concepts related to electric vehicles into their curricula as a result of attending the professional development activities
  • Agree to report student demographics and outcomes data regarding the effects of secondary school outreach activities and the use of new materials for project reports
  • Agree to participate in assessments of the project and focus groups conducted by the external evaluator to inform continuous improvements
  • Attend all three days of institute

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Summer 2024 STEM Solar Plus Storage Institute


July 23 Madison, WI

Join CREATE in Madison for the Solar Plus Storage Institute. You will be guided through hands-on lessons designed to teach students the fundamentals behind energy storage systems and how solar + energy storage works as a whole. Use the hands-on lessons provided during the institute in your classroom and give your students an introduction to this booming industry.

  • Class morning and afternoon at Madison College’s Commercial Avenue campus and outdoor solar. photovoltaic training yard.
  • Hotel accommodations in downtown Madison for two nights provided, along with breakfast and lunch.
  • $600 stipend paid to participants after full completion of the Academy.
  • Lab equipment award application to request student sets of solar PV equipment to support teaching solar in your classroom (valued at $1200). 
  • One graduate credit available (estimated cost $65).

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Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals


July 24 Online

Evaluation is an essential part of a successful grant proposal, particularly in the NSF Advanced Technological Education program. In this webinar, attendees will gain an understanding of the essential elements of an evaluation plan and learn how to integrate evaluation throughout other elements of your proposal. The webinar will explore practical strategies for writing evaluation questions, identifying evaluation indicators, and developing evaluation data matrixes. Attendees will be provided with just-in-time resources for writing a strong evaluation section that is both clear and compelling. This webinar is designed for non-evaluators and evaluators alike who want to gain a deeper understanding of the evaluation requirements for NSF ATE proposals. Other NSF grant seekers can also benefit from this webinar.

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AI in the Classroom: Talks with Q&A


July 25 Online

Thursday, July 25, 2pm ET: A three-hour workshop featuring keynote speaker Tom Menella, who will present "The Real Power and False Promise of Generative AI: Student Use, Performance, Perceptions and Faculty Applications of ChatGPT." His presentation will be followed by a series of short presentations (15 or 30-minutes, depending on content) selected from submitted abstracts, followed by thematic breakout rooms to discuss and develop ideas in preparation for the Friday workshop.

Friday, July 26, 2pm ET: An optional one-hour workshop geared towards those participants who want to discuss different aspects of AI in the classroom. There will also have time for networking and socializing to encourage making professional connections.

Participants may attend one or both sessions.

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AI in the Classroom: Workshop


July 26 Online

Thursday, July 25, 2pm ET: A three-hour workshop featuring keynote speaker Tom Menella, who will present "The Real Power and False Promise of Generative AI: Student Use, Performance, Perceptions and Faculty Applications of ChatGPT." His presentation will be followed by a series of short presentations (15 or 30-minutes, depending on content) selected from submitted abstracts, followed by thematic breakout rooms to discuss and develop ideas in preparation for the Friday workshop.

Friday, July 26, 2pm ET: An optional one-hour workshop geared towards those participants who want to discuss different aspects of AI in the classroom. There will also have time for networking and socializing to encourage making professional connections.

Participants may attend one or both sessions.

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HI-TEC 2024


July 29 Kansas City, MO

Supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) program, HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America’s skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy.

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BIOTECH Pathways: Summer Institute

Student Event

July 29 Bel Air, MD

This free Biotech Pathways: Summer Institute provides hands-on, minds-on laboratory experiences that allow participants to gain biotechnology skills and learn more about what a career in biotech has to offer.

This program is open to all current high school students who have taken at least one high school biology course.

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UDL-Con: International


July 30 Sacramento, CA

This year, for the first time, CAST’s Annual Symposium and the UDL-IRN Summit are joining forces to create the world’s largest International UDL Convention. They are excited to bring together these two events to develop and explore how UDL can be used around the world to break down barriers to learning. 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for addressing the educational needs of diverse and variable learners in many settings across many stages of life. It is a means to eradicate persistent inequities in education, informed by the educators who use it and their students.

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Experience STEAM

Student Event

August 2 Bloomington, MN

This 3-day STEAM event provides k-12 youth and families numerous opportunities to experience STEAM [science, technology, engineering, arts, math] in action with highly-engaging hands-on learning experiences!


  • We will need to fill more than 92,000 tech jobs by 2033! – CompTIA/Lightcast
  • The median wage for tech jobs is $101,365. This is 106% HIGHER than the median state wage in MN! – State of Tech Talent 2023 Report
  • Minnesota has 30 public 2-year community and technical colleges from which to choose.
  • There is a large variety of national and state STEM scholarships available! 

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Society for Industrial Microbiology Conference Annual Meeting


August 4 Boston, MA

The core technical program builds from the five core SIMB topic areas, Biocatalysis, Cell Culture & Fermentation, Environmental Microbiology, Metabolic Engineering, and Natural Products. The topic area committees and conveners have assembled robust, cutting-edge scientific programs around these areas to highlight industrial successes and emerging research advances in those fields.

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ATE Projects and Centers

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Advanced Manufacturing Technologies topics include:

  • Additive manufacturing
  • Automotive manufacturing
  • General manufacturing

Agricultural and Environmental Technologies topics include:

  • Agriculture and aquaculture
  • Environmental technologies
  • Natural resources
  • Nuclear power
  • Solar energy
  • Wind power

Bio and Chemical Technologies topics include:

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical and process technologies

Engineering Technologies topics include:

  • Electronics and controls
  • General engineering
  • Marine technologies
  • Materials technologies
  • Optics
  • Space technologies

General Advanced Technological Education topics include:

  • Evaluation
  • Learning research
  • Recruitment
  • Teacher preparation

Information and Security Technologies topics include:

  • Geospatial technologies
  • Information and communications technologies
  • Logistics
  • Security, information assurance, and forensics

Micro and Nanotechnologies topics include:

  • MEMS
  • Microsystems
  • Semiconductors
Screenshot for ATE Impacts 2024-2025

The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research Group, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and engineering technicians for advanced technology fields. Through the program's grant process, the NSF promotes the improvement of STEM education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels, and in the workforce.

This 2024-2025 Impacts book provides data on the NSF ATE program, a foreword by NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan, an introduction, and summaries of the activities and accomplishments of 24 ATE centers and 36 projects. Website addresses are included for all of the centers and projects. A map is also included that provides geographic location information that is intended to help connect educators, employers, and students with the ATE...

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Screenshot for Deep Sea Ecosystems Challenge: Under the Sea

This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features an ecology and data visualization activity designed for seventh graders. In this activity, students color-code and quantify data from images of coral to evaluate the health of coral impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The module covers basic ecology "concepts of ecosystems, abiotic and biotic factor, and benthic environments." Additionally, students learn to "define and quantify data as well as differentiate between temporal and spatial data." The activity meets the following learning requirement:

  • Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to examine the interdependence of organisms with one another and their environments.

The activity is divided into seven sections that last six class periods. The prep guide includes materials needed, planning, key questions and concepts, and grading opportunities for each section of the activity. The resource includes the following:

  • An 28-page curriculum...

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Screenshot for Stacking the Deck

The Stack the Deck website, created by Ohio University's Russ College of Engineering and Technology, provides competency cards that break the categories of the Department of Labor (DOL) Engineering Competency Model into challenges based on common interview questions asked by leading technology and manufacturing companies. Learners and entry-level employees can use this resource to explore past experiences and identify new opportunities to practice employability skills. The deck contains five types of competency cards: personal effectiveness, academic, workplace effectiveness, industry-wide technical, and wildcard. Competencies include wellness and self care, professionalism, teamwork, and more.

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Screenshot for Multicolor Antibody Staining of T Cells

This 13-page resource, from Frederick Community College is a standard operating procedure (SOP) for multicolor panel antibody staining of T Lymphocytes. The SOP outlines the purpose, scope, definitions, references, safety measures, responsibilities, materials and equipment involved in the procedure. Step-by-step procedures are provided for assessing the presence of a panel of antibodies on the surface of CD3 Jurkat cells to understand lymphocyte expression profiles accurately.

Procedure steps include: confirming the cytometer is on and calibrated, preparing the sample, compensation control preparation, sample staining, setting the acquisition parameters on the cytometer, creating sample gating strategy on the cytometer, sample acquisition, data analysis, and exporting the data. Detailed steps are included.

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Screenshot for Alternative Fuels Data Center

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) is a website published by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the United States Department of Energy. The website "provides a wealth of information and data on alternative and renewable fuels, advanced vehicles, fuel-saving strategies, and emerging transportation technologies. This site features interactive tools, calculators, and mapping applications to aid in the implementation of these fuels, vehicles, and strategies. The AFDC functions as a dynamic online hub, providing information, tools, and resources for transportation decision makers seeking domestic alternatives that diversify energy sources and help businesses make wise economic choices."

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Active ATE Centers 23
Active ATE Projects 327
ATE Resources 6,587
New Projects/Centers 97
New Resources 157

ATE Resources by Subject Area

ATE Events by Subject Area

Student works on SEM at Micron-NSU

Biden Administration Funds Technology Hubs

The Biden administration announced a significant investment of $504 million in grants for twelve technology hubs across the U.S., including locations in Ohio, Montana, Nevada, and Florida. This funding aims to support advancements in fields like quantum computing, biomanufacturing, lithium batteries, computer chips, and personalized medicine. The initiative seeks to spread technological innovation beyond major metropolitan areas such as San Francisco and New York City.

The funding is part of the Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration efforts, with President Biden previously designating 31 tech hubs in October 2023. The administration is advocating for additional funding to ensure all designated hubs receive the support needed to thrive.

Funded tech hubs include:
- $41 million for Elevate Quantum Tech Hub (CO, NM)
- $41 million for Headwaters Hub (MT)
- $51 million for Heartland BioWorks (IN)
- $51 million for iFAB Tech Hub (IL)
- $21 million for Nevada Tech Hub
- $40 million for NY SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub (NY)
- $44 million for ReGen Valley Tech Hub (NH)
- $45 million for SC Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy (SC, GA)
- $19 million for South Florida...

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The Evalu-ATE logo

Upcoming Webinar: Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals

This webinar will provide a comprehensive understanding of crafting effective evaluation plans for NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) proposals. Attendees will gain insights into the essential elements of an evaluation plan and learn how to integrate evaluation throughout their proposals. The session will cover practical strategies for writing evaluation questions, identifying evaluation indicators, and developing evaluation data matrixes. Additionally, participants will receive valuable resources to help create a clear and compelling evaluation section.

The webinar features Lyssa Wilson Becho, the Director and Principal Investigator at EvaluATE. With a Ph.D. in evaluation and over eight years of experience, Lyssa leads training efforts, including webinars and workshops, and fosters a vibrant evaluation community. Her expertise will guide attendees through the intricacies of NSF ATE proposal evaluations, providing both non-evaluators and seasoned evaluators with practical advice and tools.

Designed to benefit anyone involved in NSF grant proposals, this webinar offers valuable insights for those new to the process as well as those looking to refine their skills. It...

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U.S. National Science Foundation Logo

New NSF ATE Program Solicitation

The new NSF ATE Program Solicitation is now available and there are some changes including new budget amounts for projects and the removal of the ATE Resource/Support Centers track (although similar activities can be supported under the Project track).  Readers can find a synopsis of major changes under the Important Information And Revision Notes section at the beginning of the solicitation as well as helpful information about current Dear Colleague Letters associated with the ATE program.

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A graphic image promoting the CASCADE Apprenticeship Program

New Opportunity: CASCADE Apprenticeship Program

The CASCADE (Commons-Accelerated Silicon Crossroads Apprenticeships for Demands in Engineering) Apprenticeship Program is a groundbreaking initiative developed by the Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub (SCMC), Purdue University, and Synopsys. This collaborative effort aims to propel the future of microelectronics in the United States by cultivating a highly skilled workforce for this essential industry.

The CASCADE Apprenticeship Program blends academic and hands-on experiences. Students begin with a year at Purdue University, gaining a solid theoretical foundation in semiconductor design. The program continues with practical work experience alongside industry leaders like Synopsys, equipping students with the skills needed to thrive in the semiconductor industry.

The Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub fosters innovation and workforce development, supporting the CASCADE program to achieve excellence in domestic microelectronics. Purdue University, known for its strong engineering programs, provides the academic foundation for CASCADE students, even those who may not be pursuing a traditional 4-year degree. Synopsys, a leader in semiconductor design...

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