Advanced Technological Education .

Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Tuesday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

Follow ATE Central on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all things new at ATE Central and in the ATE Community as well as in the world of STEM Education.

In This Issue

Featured Resources: General Advanced Technological Education

From PathTech LISTEN:

Understanding Engineering Technology Education and Career Pathways through Research and Community Engagement

These presentation slides, made available by the University of South Florida, provide information on engineering technology education and career pathways through research and community engagement. The slides are part of the Successful Academic and Employment Pathways in Advanced Technologies (PathTech) project. PathTech's project goals include:

  • Understanding recruitment and pathways into engineering technology (ET).
  • Providing information to improve ET education.
  • Increasing the visibility of ET programs.
  • Providing information to help meet workforce demands.

From Preventing "Digital Dust": Supporting the Creation and Dissemination of High-Quality Videos for Advanced Technological Education:

Producing Engaging Content: Module 1 Pre-Production

This video, from Pellet Productions, Inc., is the first part of a four-part series on producing engaging educational videos. This video focuses on pre-production and the importance of taking those first steps. These pre-production steps include: identifying video goals and objectives, defining and understanding your audiences, developing a Target Audience Profile, and conducting research to determine if there is existing video content that users can utilize. These videos cover production, post-production, and dissemination methods.

From AccessATE: Making Community College Technician Education More Accessible for Everyone:

Working with Veterans: Support

This tip sheet from Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL) includes guidance for educators, advisors, and counselors on how to support veterans. Guidance on supporting veterans is provided for education, job training, disabilities, and medical. A list of additional resources is also provided. A PDF version of the tip sheet is also included at the bottom of the webpage.

Community Connection

Upcoming HI-TEC Conference

The 2022 High Impact Technology Education Conference (HI-TEC) is coming up on July 25-28 in Salt Lake City, Utah. HI-TEC is a conference where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills in advanced technology education. Interested participants might include community college and university professors, high school educators, trade organization members, technicians, and industry professionals.

The conference will host various workshops, presentations, posters, and exhibitions on energy and environmental technologies, engineering technologies, micro and nanotechnologies, and workforce diversity and inclusion.

Registration is open until July 27, so there's still time to register and see what HI-TEC can offer! Registration information can be found here. Read the ATE Impacts blog, where the HI-TEC Chair, Mary Slowinski, Ph.D., of Working Partners Project & Workshops at Bellevue College, shares her thoughts on what makes HI-TEC unique for the NSF-ATE community.

ATE Success Tips: Outreach

Using Special Events for Outreach

Special events and days are great for creating content and engaging your audience. Consider using events like celebration days, nationally recognized days, and public holidays as a reason to reach out to your audience about how your project or center connects.

First, identify particular days or holidays that could work for your project or center. Consider your field, whether agriculture, biology, manufacturing, or information technology. Which holidays or recognized days could work with your area? Planning an outreach message around specific significant events like winter holidays, Mother or Fathers Day, or the beginning of a particular season like summer can engage your audience in new ways. Make sure to see what others in your field celebrate, for example, Drone Safety Day from the Federal Aviation Administration; they partner with the ATE funded National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT) who host the official website for the event.

Then, plan around the concept. For example, how could you create outreach around Earth Day if you are in information technology? Can anything you work on relate to the event? If not, could your project/center make a simple graphic celebrating the day?

Finally, hook in your content to the special event. Decide on what would be most appropriate for the holiday or occasion. A blog will help if your project or center is related to the event. Social media posts can convey your interest and uniquely promote your work. Emails to your audience can engage them and directly relate to their lives. Here is an example of using social media to promote a center with a special occasion from the Marine Advanced Technology Education center, promoting World Ocean Day!

Check out the National Informal STEM Education Network's comprehensive calendar of STEM-related events for more ideas.

Did You Know?

According to a New York Times article, community college enrollment has fallen by approximately 827,000 students since the start of the pandemic.

The report further explains that community college students often drop out of their programs to work at high-paying jobs that are open now. The shift to online learning and the labor market heating up made this a difficult choice for community college students balancing studies and bills. Regarding students' long-term futures, historically, workers with less education are more likely to lose their jobs when unemployment rises and the economy weakens, as seen in Pew Research Center's recent report on the connection between education and economic status.

More information on the article's research can be found in National Student Clearinghouse Research Center's report on enrollment estimates.

Select STEM Education Resources

A few online STEM resources from outside of ATE, that you may find of interest:

CIA's Clandestine Services Histories of Civil Air Transport

The Civil Air Transport (CAT) was founded just after World War II to support Chiang Kai-Shek's forces in their civil war with Mao Zedong's communist fighters. However, the clandestine airline also ran operations during the Korean War and in support of the French during the First Indochina War. Later, CAT morphed into the better-known operation, Air America, which operated throughout the Vietnam War. This website links to a 16-page PDF that documents previously unreleased historical artifacts from CAT's 20-year history. The PDF includes dozens of photographs and a brief history composed by Alfred T. Cox, the former president of CAT. The site also links to Additional Publications about Air America. For anyone interested in the CIA's post-World War II clandestine operations, this is an important find.


Science educators may be interested in BrainU, an educational neuroscience project for teachers directed by Janet Dubinsky, professor of neuroscience at the University of Minnesota. BrainU offers material for K-12 teachers to begin teaching about brain science and to aid their students' learning processes. Under the lessons tab, readers will find more than fifty well-developed lesson plans that are organized by grade level, lesson length, and learning situation (e.g. classroom, laboratory, or experiential station). At the top of the lesson page are links to BrainU's "Neuroscience Concepts and Activities" pages, which are grouped by grade level and intended as curriculum planning aids. Under the cool stuff tab, viewers will find links to curated collections of animations, images, and other visual materials available for classroom use. The Neuroscience tab leads readers to an array of supplementary teaching materials, such as activities for review, a suggested reading list for teachers, and a glossary of neuroscience terms. BrainU offers a unique way for science teachers to enhance their curriculum and students' learning.

The Language of Birds

Did you know that the British Library's vast collections also include various wildlife sounds? In the web presentation The Language of Birds, recordings from the library's sound collections and photographs accompany a series of accessibly-written articles that explore and illustrate why and how birds communicate. Here, interested readers can learn about birdsong and how it differs from bird calls, the physiology of birds' vocalizations and hearing, how birds learn to sing and mimic, and the non-vocal ways that birds use sound to communicate (such as a woodpecker's drumming). This presentation includes 15 articles and 53 sound recordings with accompanying images featuring songbirds such as the nightingale and chaffinch and other species such as parrots, peacocks, and ruffed grouse. The Language of Birds was written by Jeffery Boswall, a natural history broadcaster with the BBC, and initially published in Proceedings of the Royal Institution.

Do you have some great STEM resources you'd like to share with ATE Central? Email us with your ideas at

ATE Events

Upcoming Events
Bio/Chem InnovATEBIO High School Summer Training Workshop Buda, Texas
Info Intermediate CyberCamp
Info Introductory CyberCamp
Ag/Env Sixth Annual Wisconsin STEM Educator Solar Institute Madison, Wisconsin
Bio/Chem Summer DNA Workshops Woodland Hills, CA
Bio/Chem ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE) Online
Mfg Summer Teacher Workshop Online
Bio/Chem Pop-Up Training For Biology Educators: BYOE (Bring Your own Experiment) Nanopore Sequencing Brooklyn, New York
Gen 2022 AHEAD Equity & Excellence Conference Cleveland, OH
Info Automotive Cybersecurity Online Online
Eng Global EV Advanced Materials and Thermal Management 2022 London,
Eng BAS XI Workshop for New Community and Technical College Programs Stone Mountain, GA
Bio/Chem Teaching Biotechnology Skills through DNA Metabarcoding Biodiversity Research Brooklyn, New York
Gen HI-TEC: A National Conference on Advanced Technological Education Salt Lake City, UT
Info Virtual Advanced CyberCamp Online
Info CMMC 2.0 Workshop Online
Eng Minnesota Manufactured Technical Education Conference Anoka, MN
Gen The 8th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Learner Voice Online
Mfg CAR Management Briefing Seminars Acme, MI
Eng Midwest Teachers of Transportation and Industrial Areas (MTTIA) Annual Conference Brainerd, MN
Bio/Chem Teaching Biotechnology Skills through DNA Metabarcoding Biodiversity Research Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Mfg NITRO X- Northeast Metro 916 North White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Gen Experience STEAM Bloomington, Minnesota
Eng Mall of America STEAM Event Bloomington, MN
Bio/Chem Algae Biotechnology Meeting Round Rock, Texas
Nano Opportunities and Internships at NASA JPL Online

For more events, please visit the ATE Central Events page or, if you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection, please submit them online.

To add a continuously-updated list of ATE and STEM education events to your website, use the ATE Event Widget.

News & Reminders

Open for Applications: CCPI-STEM Fellows

Registration for the annual HI-TEC conference is now open!

CCPI-STEM Fellows program invites applications for Graduate Fellowships from individuals who are pursuing or beginning to pursue graduate degrees and engage in research related to STEM education and workforce development in community colleges. The application deadline is September 15, 2022. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Check CCPI's website for more information on the application and criteria.

HI-TEC 2022 Registration Now Open

Registration for the annual HI-TEC conference is now open!

The High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC) is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, trade organizations, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with preparing America's skilled technical workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation's economy.

The conference runs from July 25-28 at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah. More details on registering can be found on the HI-TEC website and upcoming ATE Central blog posts.

EvaluateUR-CURE Accepting Applications

EvaluateUR-CURE is now accepting applications to participate in the final round of pilot testing during the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. This opportunity is available through an award from the NSF ATE program to the State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo State.

EvaluateUR-CURE is a method for evaluating course-based undergraduate research experiences -- CUREs. Combining research into undergraduate courses provides research opportunities for students.

Pilot testing of E-CURE is open to all faculty. Faculty teaching courses with research experiences (CUREs) at community colleges are especially encouraged to apply. A modest stipend is provided for participating in the pilot and providing feedback.

The application can be completed on EvaluateUR-CURE's website.

More information about the project can be found on the main E-CURE page.

Follow ATE Central on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all things new at ATE Central and in the ATE Community as well as in the world of STEM Education.

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