Scaling Up Through Networked Improvement (SUNI): Testing a Practical Theory About Improving Math Outcomes for Developmental Students at Scale
The Scaling Up through Networked Improvement (SUNI) project aims to learn how the Carnegie Math Pathways (CMP), a complex educational innovation designed to improve developmental mathematics outcomes, can be successfully scaled across diverse institutions of higher education. The CMP consists of two accelerated course pathways, Statway and Quantway, that help students complete college-level mathematics within a year, significantly improving success rates. Through the use of a Networked Improvement Community (NIC), the CMP has already impacted over 22,000 students across 58 institutions, raising success rates from 6% to over 50%. SUNI will expand the NIC by adding 12 more colleges, impacting 280 instructors and 10,000 students. The project will refine a practical theory for scaling innovations through a NIC, using statistical analysis and case studies to examine leadership learning and institutional implementation. Findings from the project will contribute to educational research, policy development, and large-scale reforms in higher education.