Social Media Overview
Deciding whether and how to use social media is easier than it looks. The most popular choices — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+ — have distinct audiences, and require different commitments of resources. In this section, we review the pros and cons of each. We'll also look at other networking options such as blogs, web analytics tools, and search engine optimization. The key to using social media effectively is choosing what you are going to use based on your individual project's needs and constraints. While social media is "free," it does require a commitment of time and resources.
So what is social media exactly? First and foremost, it's a tool to begin conversations. Conversation arising from social media can build awareness, engagement, relationships, and site traffic. On social media platforms, you should definitely share the latest news about your project. However, you should also contribute to the online community by sharing news that's relevant to the field, commenting on blogs or Facebook profiles, and retweeting other people's tweets. In other words, be a good conversational partner!
Getting Started
The Social Media Guide is organized into five parts:
- A short glossary of the Most Popular Tools used in social media
- An explanation about how to use social media to develop Your Professional Profile
- A section on how and when to use Blogs
- A description of Analytics and Tracking tools
- Some Social Media Resources