Advanced Technological Education ·

Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Monday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail [email protected] with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

In This Issue

Resources in Supply Chain Technology

From the National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education:

Logistics and Supply Chain Career Field

The National Center for Supply Chain Technology Education provides this 10:07 minute video to introduce viewers to supply chain management. A variety of people are interviewed about logistics and supply chain management including a civilian logistician for the US Army, a trade relations representative for Nestle Purina, and an inventory control manager for a Fortune 500 company. They are asked how they got into the field, how they feel about their jobs, and other career related questions.

From the National Center for Manufacturing Education:

Successfully Teaching Supply Chain Management Content in a Technical Curriculum

This paper explains how supply chain management is being taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels in engineering and technology programs. This paper focuses on a supply chain course that was developed at "University A." It is an overview course that consists of broad-based content to serve the elective needs of the students in four undergraduate programs in the department. The objectives and content outline are given for the course. Several different teaching methodologies such as guest speakers, in-class activities, case problems, homework assignments, field trips, quizzes and exams are used to meet the objectives of the course and emphasize the content in the class.

From Secure Logistics Curriculum Enhancement:

Case Study: Northern Triangle Recreation Equipment, Inc.

This logistics case study uses the example of a retail sporting goods chain, Northern Triangle Recreational Equipment. The students will act as the supply chain manager of the company. After reading some background information about the company, students will come up with recommendations to increase profitability, reduce costs and become more competitive. Instructor application notes are also provided.

This document may be downloaded in Microsoft Word DOC file format.



Spreading the Word About ATE@20

It's been an exciting few weeks for ATE@20. The blog has featured several updates about members of the ATE community. The posts covered the following topics:

We hope you've had a chance to read through the blog and learn more about the history and broad focus of the ATE program. However, the blog is not intended only for an ATE community audience. Ideally, the posts will find their way to campus communities, industry partners, and other parties who are or could be interested in the ATE program. To accomplish this, and spread the word about ATE far and wide, we could use your help! Here are three easy ways to include information about ATE@20 in your routine outreach and dissemination efforts:

  • Use portions of the ATE@20 blog posts on your website, newsletter, or other text-based outreach, especially if the blog post pertains to what your project or center does.
  • Tweet about what you're doing in this 20th year of ATE using the #ate20 hashtag.
  • Mention the blog and booklet project when making presentations, talking at campus events, or working with potential partners.

With your help, we can all make sure that the next 20 years of ATE are as rich and vibrant as the first.

Community Connection

The Hidden STEM Economoy

The Hidden STEM Economy

While members of the ATE community are no doubt aware of the role community and technical colleges play in educating America's STEM workforce, much of the policy emphasis has been placed on supporting workers with at least a bachelor's degree, according to a recent report from the Brookings Institution. Written by Jonathan Rothwell, The Hidden STEM Economy points out that half of all STEM jobs are available to workers without a four-year college degree, and these jobs pay $53,000 on average. About 20% of all U.S. jobs require a high level of knowledge of at least one STEM field, but as ATE proves, a high level of knowledge is not synonymous with a high-level degree. ATE graduates leave their programs with extensive real-world skills that allow them to enter a variety of STEM fields without necessarily pursuing advanced degrees.

In addition, The Hidden STEM Economy examines the geographic distribution of STEM jobs, noting that jobs that require at least a bachelor's degree are highly clustered in certain metropolitan areas, while sub-bachelor's STEM jobs are prevalent in every large metropolitan area. This finding is illustrated in both the Metropolitan Area Profiles and the Key Findings infographic. In an interview with the Akron Beacon Journal, Rothwell said, One of the implications [of the study] is that public policy makers should respect the role of community colleges and other sub-bachelor's training more than they currently do.

ATE projects and centers are well-positioned to fill this need for high-level STEM knowledge. Because of their position in the forefront of STEM fields, ATE projects and centers can help secure employment for their graduates and ensure that STEM-based economies remain healthy. The STEM workforce consisting of those with two-year degrees and certificates, currently under recognized and undervalued, will play a strong role in securing the economic and scientific future of the United States. As Rothwell writes in an essay accompanying his report, The many working in skilled occupations with an associate's degree or training certification are among the most scientifically and technically sophisticated workers in our economy. Public policies should acknowledge the legitimacy and vitality of this career path.

Did you know?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2007-08, about...20 percent of all undergraduates took at least one distance education course.

ATE Events

Ongoing Events
iGETT — Remote Sensing Varies
DHS Cyber Student Initiative Varies
Marine Science & Technology 2013 Summer Teacher Workshops Dauphin Island, AL
Robocamp 2013 Denton, TX
WomenTech Educators Online Recruitment and Retention Training Online
Lego Mindstorms Robotics Camps Tampa, FL
Upcoming Events
PV Curriculum Development Online Online
Wind Site Assessor Training Custer, WI
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Salt Lake City, UT
Cyber Defense Training Camp College Park, MD
Project SHINE-Mission Impossible Columbus, NE
Summer Energy Camp Ruskin, FL
Esri International User Conference San Diego, CA
Genomic Approaches in Biosciences San Francisco, CA
SEaM Camp Brainerd, MN
Summer Working Connections Texas Frisco, TX
VMware vSphere: Install, Configure & Manage Stillwater, OK
Weld-Ed — Joining and Cutting Processes Honolulu, HI
Coastal Maine Summer Teacher Workshops Port Clyde, ME
MassBay's Summer Bridge Program Wellesley Hills, MA
Summer Career Days Boston, MA
Teachers Investigating the Chesapeake Environment Montross, VA
Methods for Active Learning Online
Esri EdUC Presentation Mission Hills, CA
Intro to Digital Arts and Photoshop CS5 Worcester, MA
New England Aquarium Teacher Workshops Boston, MA
Girls Go Green Bemidji, MN
Introduction to New Media Design with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Worcester, MA
2013 Great Lakes Regional 3-Day Workshop Columbus, OH
RCNGM/USCGA Teachers' Summer Workshop New London, CT
Computer Science Teachers Association Annual Conference Quincy, MA
BIOMAN 2013 Graham, NC
Deaf Initiative in Technology (DiiT) - Microsoft Office 2010: A Professional Approach Workshop Rochester, NY
STEM Guitar Workshop Seattle, WA
Summer Working Connections South Jacksonville, FL
Weld-Ed — Weld Quality, Inspection, Welding Codes, Specifications and Safety Hilo, HI
Bootstrap: Algebraic Videogame Programming Boston, MA
2013 Southwest Regional 3-day workshop Colorado Springs, CO
STEM Think Tank and Annual Conference Nashville, TN
Introduction to Wind Systems Custer, WI
Introduction to Tower Climbing and Safety Custer, WI
Career Exploration Camps Minneapolis, MN
Basic Photovoltaics (Solar Electricity) Chicago, IL
Wind System Repair and Maintenance Custer, WI
Presidents Academy Summer Institute Baltimore, MD
High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC) 2013 Austin, TX
Summer GIS teacher workshop San Diego, CA
Teachers on the Estuary Wells, ME
CyberSTEM Camp College Park, MD
Deaf Initiative in Technology (DiiT) - Microsoft Excel 2010: Create an Electronic Worksheet Workshop Rochester, NY
Weld-Ed — Joining and Cutting Processes Fairbanks, AK
2013 South Central Regional 3-day workshop St. Louis, MO
Esri International User Conference San Diego, CA
Sustainable Energy Workshop North Canton, OH
MATE Summer Institute Monterey, CA
Building Florida's Manufacturing Pathways Ponte Verde, FL
Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching Boston, MA
IT Problem Solving Boston, MA
Oracle SQL & PL/SQL Boston, MA
Security+ Palos Hills, IL
Weld-Ed - Joining and Cutting Processes Elyria, OH
Weld-Ed - Weld Quality and Inspection, Welding Codes, Specifications and Safety Ogden, UT
Windows 8 & Server 2012 Boston, MA
Deaf Initiative in Technology (DiiT) - Microsoft Access 2010: Create a Database Workshop Rochester, NY

For more events, please visit the ATE Central Events page or, if you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection, please submit them online.

To add a continuously-updated list of ATE and STEM education events to your website, use the ATE Event Widget.

News & Reminders

Second Quarter ATE Central Activity Reports Released

Today, July 1, marks the end of the second quarter and the release of a new round of ATE Central Activity Reports. Please visit A Guide to Your ATE Central Activity Report for more information. As always, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] with any questions or comments you may have, as well as with any updates to your project or center's information.

Is your project/center on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media site?

If so, please make sure we've found that site and added it to the ATE Social Media Directory. Having your social media presence linked through the directory will help ensure that interested parties can find you online. In addition, if you currently publish a newsletter, please let us know, as we will be adding links to newsletters to the information available on ATE Central.

Follow ATE Central on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all things new at ATE Central and in the ATE Community as well as in the world of STEM Education

Want to know which ATE Projects and Centers and ATE partners and collaborators are using Social Media? Check out our ATE Social Media Directory and follow them too!

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CWIS is open source software, created with NSF funding, that can help your project or center showcase resources online. It's free and very easy to use. We'd be happy to provide you with more information about CWIS and give you a quick tour of its features — please e-mail [email protected] to get started!

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