A Guide to Your ATE Central Activity Report

As an ATE project or center, you will receive quarterly Activity Reports from ATE Central. These Reports communicate data about project and center presence and usage of project and center deliverables on the ATE Central site. In response to some frequently asked questions, and as a resource for future PIs and staff, we have put together the following guide. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed in this guide. Your feedback is always appreciated.

Content of the Activity Reports

All information in the Activity Reports (ARs) is generated by ATE Central from the same databases that drive the ATE Central website. It reflects numbers of resources, events, and resource views that have been collected by and shared through the ATE Central portal. Although we do our best to collect information about (and links to) all ATE community deliverables and events, we are constantly discovering new ones and updating the ATE Central website to account for them. Therefore, ARs are only part of the broader picture of ATE community impact.

Project and center Activity Reports contain:

  • Project/Center Information: the name of the project/center, the authorized contact, the website, the project/center description, and social media associated with that project/center. This information is updated as frequently as possible, but may not reflect the most recent updates to project/center information. Thus, we very much welcome updated information from PIs and staff.
  • Project/Center Activity: information about the resources and events from a project or center collected by ATE Central.
  • Subject Area Activity: information about the number of current and new resources and events collected by ATE Central in your project/center's primary ATE Subject Area. The Subject Areas are seven very broad categories that ATE Central and others use to describe ATE efforts. A full list is available on the ATE Central portal when users click on the project or center tab on the navigation bar.
  • ATE-Wide Activity: information about the number of current and new resources and events within the entire ATE community.

Frequency of the Activity Reports

Reports are generated at the end of each quarter and cover the previous three months, and an annual report covering the previous year is generated every January.

Who Receives the Activity Reports

ARs are generated for and sent to only the Authorized Contact for each project or center. This is generally that project or center's PI, but may be someone that PI has designated in his or her stead. The ARs may also be viewed by ATE Central staff for internal review purposes only. They are not shared with anyone else and may not be accessed by anyone else.

Key Terms

Archived Resources: the number of resources a project or center has archived with ATE Central

Authorized Contact: the designated recipient of a project or center's Activity Report. This is generally that project or center's PI, but may be someone that PI has designated in his or her stead.

Most Popular: the most frequently accessed resources (as measured by access activity through the ATE Central website).

New Resources: the number of resources collected and cataloged by ATE Central during the reporting period.

Number of Events: the number of ATE-related events with start dates during the period covered by the AR (as known to ATE Central).

Number of Resources: the total number of resources collected and cataloged by ATE Central, from its inception to the AR generation date.

Resource Record Views: the number of unique visitors to a resource's full record page on ATE Central.

Resource URL Clicks: the number of times a unique visitor to ATE Central has clicked on a resource's URL.

Upcoming Events: the number of events on the ATE Central events calendar with start dates after the AR report period.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my project or center's information on ATE Central?

If you would like to update your project/center description, website, social media, designated contact, or logo, or notify us about new resources or events, please email info@atecentral.net.

How should I use this data?

How you use this data is completely up to you. However, we do hope it will guide you to interesting resources and events in your subject area, give you an idea of what ATE Central's audience is most frequently accessing, and showcase some of what the ATE community is doing. The ARs may also be used in advocacy and reporting contexts to demonstrate the massive amount of work and knowledge building that is ongoing in the ATE community.

What should I do if I notice that one of my resources/events isn't listed on your website?

Please let us know by emailing info@atecentral.net. We strive to find all the community resources and events, but there is no automated way to do this, which means it is time intensive. Thus, feel free to notify us when you add new resources or events! We will happily add them to the ATE Central portal as quickly as possible.