Advanced Technological Education ·

Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Monday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

In This Issue


Featured Resources in Automotive Manufacturing


AMTEC Career Pathways Tool Kit

This Career Pathways Tool Kit, from the Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), is designed to help colleges get started on creating their own Career Pathway program. The Career Pathways program is designed to assess employment and advancement requirements in a given manufacturing sector, and existing programs and resources available for preparing workers for employment in those sectors. This Tool Kit contains a 7-page PDF document that provides an AMTEC Research Project Narrative, a link to find a Career Pathway Model, multiple Research Findings Based Best Practices, Actual Field Based Implementation Tools, and Instructional Delivery Models. Seven additional PDFs are included that correlate with the ToolKit's Actual Field Based Implementation Tools. The Resource also includes a short interview with a Career Pathways student. The video runtime is 1:12.

From Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT):

The U.S. Automotive Market and Industry in 2025

In this study, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) predicts the 2025 U.S. light vehicle market based on expected greenhouse gas requirements for the years 2017-2025. Through scenario modeling of four possible corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, it’s found that this mandate poses a serious threat to the U.S. vehicle market. It’s determined that from 2017-2025 consumer cost will rise 40%, overall vehicle sales will drop by $5.4 million, and a total U.S. employment loss of 1.69 million jobs. CAR offers the solution of creating a review board composed of members from government, engineering firms, and industry leaders to evaluate CAFE standards every three years, rather than setting standards for far ahead projected dates.

From Consortium for Alabama Regional Center for Automotive Manufacturing (CARCAM):

Typical Automotive Manufacturing Technology Degree Requirements

This document from the Consortium for Alabama Regional Center for Automotive Manufacturing (CARCAM) provides the typical automotive manufacturing technology degree requirements. Actual classes will vary by institution. The requirements include general education classes as well as specialized automotive manufacturing coursework.

Higher Ed Tech Learning

Community Connection

Emerging Technologies in Higher Education: A Closer Look at the 2016 NMC Horizon Report

ATE community members may want to check out the 2016 New Media Consortium (NMC) Education Horizon Report. Published annually since 2002, this report is authored by 58 higher education specialists from around the globe in partnership with EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to both investigating the role of information technology (IT) in higher education and advocating for effective implementation of IT in higher education contexts. According to the report’s executive summary, “With more than 14 years of research and publications, [the NMC Education Horizons Report] can be regarded as the world’s longest-running exploration of emerging technology trends and uptake in education.”

The NME Education Horizon Report: A Summary
This year’s report is divided into three sections that examine (1) the recent trends in technology and higher education; (2) current challenges faced by educators in implementing technology based instruction; and (3) recent developments that may be of interest to instructors, administrators, and program managers. Each of these three sections is split into three additional subsections, noting trends with long, medium, and short term impacts; challenges that are solvable, challenging, and “wicked” (extra-challenging); and ideas institutions may consider implementing over time. In order to research this report, the NMC employs a rotating panel of educational experts (the aforementioned 58 authors) to examine, rank, and research these trends, challenges, and developments. Each section of the Educational Horizon is succinctly and clearly presented and includes links to related research and resources. Thus, this report is designed to help readers quickly identify and further pursue topics of interest.

Of Interest to the ATE Central Community
Although the NMC Education Horizon Report is mostly directed at education professionals at four-year colleges and universities, the insights provided in this report are relevant to a much larger higher education community, including two-year technical and community colleges. Below, are a few of the insights that may be of note:

This report highlights the rise and uses of “blended learning,” where online learning and in class learning are combined. Some institutions are also working to incorporate student choice into hybrid learning models, providing additional flexibility to students who balance school work with work and family responsibilities. The report describes one such institution: “Peirce College in Philadelphia, which serves a student population primarily composed of working adults, has introduced a flexible course delivery model: each week, students can choose between in person or online attendance. The pilot test of this blended model reduced student absenteeism from 10.2% to 1.4%, and the institution will expand the flexible option to encompass all course offerings starting in Fall 2016.” (Page 19).

One “wicked” challenge highlighted by the NMC is one familiar to many contemporary educators: as the number of technological tools continues to grow, how can one ensure that technology implication actually enhances student learning? The report describes one model, the SAMR model, designed to help educators think critically about when and how to incorporate technology into instruction. The report notes, “In the SAMR acronym, “S” is for Substitution — the most basic level of technology integration — where it acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change. An example would be an e-book that completely replicates the print version so nothing new is gained for students. The goal for instructors is to reach the “R” stage, which stands for Redefinition, in which the capabilities of the deployed technology allow for the creation of new tasks that were previously inconceivable.” (Page 30).

Important Developments in Educational Technology
One of the innovations featured in the last section of the report is the use of digital tools to enable learning analytics and adaptive learning. Learning analytics programs collect data from students that help instructors and administrators track student progress and identify possible obstacles to student success. For example, as the report notes, “The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is using analytics to determine potential problem areas. Upon investigating the graduation rates of their nursing students, for example, the university made a discovery they had not anticipated; students were being forced to select a different major because they were struggling with a particular English course rather than a core science course.” Armed with this information, programs can develop support systems to adaptations to promote student success. (Page 38).

Interested readers will want to check out the full report, which covers 15 additional trends, challenges, and developments in greater detail.

Logo Colors

ATE Success Tips: Websites

How to Select the Best Colors for your Logo or Website

Each ATE project or center has a unique identity formed by its goals, mission, location, and staff. An important part of translating that identity to the public is making aesthetic choices that most accurately represent the core aspects of your project or center’s work. This infographic has been designed to help tailor these selections to your specific audience, giving viewers an immediate impression of a brand or logo, primarily through color selection. It lays out common emotions and attributes associated with various colors in order to help users find the color(s) that are the best match. For example, a project or center emphasizing creativity might consider incorporating purple into their visual scheme. The infographic also breaks down color preferences, examines gender demographics, and offers guidance for combining colors.

Did You Know?

According to a recent study by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, during the 2014-2015 school year, about 3.5 percent of new associate degree earners already held a bachelor’s degree.

ATE Events

Ongoing Events
Nano SCME Hands-online Microsystems Academy: Science of Thin Films Online
Info 49th Annual Oklahoma CareerTech Summer Conference Oklahoma City, OK
Ag/Env RCNET Summer Institute Pocatello, ID
Eng CAR Management Briefing Seminars Acme, MI
Bio/Chem Barcode Long Island Educator Workshop Stony Brook, NY
Upcoming Events
Gen AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award Bethesda, MD
Mfg STEM Guitar Building Institute Lynnwood, WA
Info Broadening Advanced Technological Educational Connections (BATEC) National Summer Institute Boston, MA
Eng Guitar Building Workshop for Educators, Students and Hobbyists Lynnwood, WA
Info Two-Day Geospatial Workshop Rochester, NY
Gen Logic Models: Getting Them Right and Using Them Well Online
Info Internships and Apprenticeships Online
Eng Apprenticeships and Internships webinar Online
Eng Global Automotive Lightweight Materials Detroit 2016 Detroit, MI
Gen Enhance Your Career via the S&T Policy Fellowships: Revelle Fellowship Online
Eng SPIE Optics + Photonics San Diego, CA
Gen Enhance Your Career via the S&T Policy Fellowships: Judicial Fellowship Online
Nano Mechatronics Workshop Albany, NY
Gen NSF ATE Program Funding Opportunities & Mentor-Connect Orientation Webinar Online
Eng dSPACE Technology Conference 2016 Naperville, IL
Eng The Battery Show Novi, MI
Gen Building the Caribbean Innovation Economy Washington, DC
Gen Building the Caribbean Innovation Economy: Online
Info Using Social Media to Promote and Achieve Grant Outcomes Online
Gen Chat Series: S&T Policy Fellowship Opportunities for Social Scientists Online
Info 2016 Ohio GIS Conference Columbus, OH

For more events, please visit the ATE Central Events page or, if you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection, please submit them online.

To add a continuously-updated list of ATE and STEM education events to your website, use the ATE Event Widget.

News & Reminders

Don’t miss the 2016/17 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance and Mentoring Support program!

From July 1 through October 13 applications will be accepted for this technical assistance workshop and faculty mentorship opportunity. Click here for more information.

Is your project/center on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media site?

If so, please make sure we've found that site and added it to the ATE Social Media Directory. Having your social media presence linked through the directory will help ensure that interested parties can find you online. In addition, if you currently publish a newsletter, please let us know, as we will be adding links to newsletters to the information available on ATE Central.

Can CWIS software help support your project goals?

CWIS is open source software, created with NSF funding, that can help your project or center showcase resources online. It's free and very easy to use. The latest version (CWIS 3.9.0 beta) was released on and is available for download on the Scout site. Please email if you have any questions or would like a quick tour of its features!

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