EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education
The Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Evaluation Resource Center (ERC) focused on evaluating the work of the ATE program through an annual survey since 2000. The ERC now investigates and responds to the evaluation needs of the ATE projects by assisting current and prospective ATE grantees to develop high-quality evaluations that provide evidence to demonstrate the extent to which the goals of the projects and the ATE program are achieved. The Center provides ATE grantees and evaluators with support to design, conduct and report credible, useful improvement and accountability-oriented evaluations. The ERC continues to provide ATE program monitoring activities that are useful at the program and project level. The ERC assesses the evaluation needs and capacities of ATE grantees, collects and develops evaluation resources keyed to their needs and builds evaluation capacity. The Center also engages in and supports research on evaluation-related ATE issues and disseminates the findings and resources to the projects. Information about the Center activities is disseminated to increase capacity for educational evaluation more broadly.