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Excelsior College and Polk State College:

Ensuring Workforce Readiness

Past Events

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Items 631 - 660 of 4,034

NNIN/C Conference - ENCON1 Synergy Between Computation and Experiment in Energy

(3 days) CambridgeMA02138

This conference will be based around the four focus topics: fuel cells, catalysis, self-assembly and organic photovoltaics; and will take place at Harvard University, Maxwell-Dworkin Hall, January 11-13, 2012, and will draw on the deep well of premiere researchers in the energy and high performance computing fields in the Boston/Cambridge metropolitan area.

In the spirit of the highly successful “Synergy between Computation and Experiment in Nanoscale Science” 2006 conference, this workshop will bring together both experimentalists and computational researchers to shed light on their mutual needs and capabilities

Online registration can be found here

Ways of Introducing Nanotechnology Into Your Program

The NACK center offers a live webinar, hosted by MATEC NetWorks, every month to engage and educate those of you that are interested in learning more about nanotechnology related topics. Our webinars are accessible online from virtually anywhere, and they are FREE to attend and/or replay. See complete details and registration links to future and past webinars at Click on the 'Educators' tab.

January 2012 CNF TCN

(4 days) IthacaNY14853

This intensive 3.5 day short course offered by the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility, combines lectures and laboratory demonstrations designed to impart a broad understanding of the science and technology required to undertake research in nanoscience. Attendance is open to the general scientific community, but class size is limited to 30 participants (see notes below).

International Bio-Inspired Engineering Symposium 2012


On January 17, 2012, on the Harvard campus, CNS will host an international symposium on bio-inspired engineering sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the NNIN, and CNS.

Representative themes of the event include:
• Study and mastery of efficient biological systems
• Bio-mimicry
• Self-organizing behavior
• Bio-fabrication
• Engineered surfaces

Reducing the Outcomes Angst: A step-by-step approach to identify what to measure

(3 days)

Deciding what to measure (and what not to measure) towards gathering evidence of impact can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. In this webinar, Lana Rucks, an ATE external evaluator, will provide a step-by-step approach for making the decisions around what should be measured as an indication of impact. Using an actual ATE project as a framework, attendees will learn how the varying aspects of evaluation (e.g., logic modeling, operationalizing variables, triangulation, etc.) come together in the real world. Regardless of whether you are in the planning phase or already started the implementation your project, you’ll walk away knowing how to better communicate the story of your project/center’s impact.

To register please click here.

ATE Survey Orientation: What You Need to Know to Get Good Information Into and Out of the Survey

In this webinar, EvaluATE staff will help ATE grantees prepare for the upcoming annual ATE survey (which takes place February 15 – March 15). We will review changes for 2012 (the 2012 questionnaire is one-third shorter than the 2011 version!), address frequently asked questions (both substantive and technical), and clarify definitions. We’ll also discuss how to use the information grantees report on the survey for other purposes (e.g., internal, formative evaluation and annual reporting to NSF) and use aggregate results for benchmarking grant progress against other ATE projects and centers.

Attendees are also encouraged to send questions about the survey ahead of time to Stephanie Evergreen

Presenters: Lori Wingate--PI, EvaluATE; Jason Burkhardt--Project Manager, EvaluATE

Discussants: David Campbell--ATE Program Officer, NSF: Dan Hull--Executive Director/PI, OP-TEC (National Center for Optics and Photonics Education)

Moderator: Stephanie Evergreen--Senior Research Associate, EvaluATE

HSPI Webinar: Classroom Arrangements and Facilitation

Working in cooperative groups is a critical part of POGIL implementation, but not all classrooms were designed with group work in mind. This webinar will show successful implementation setups in a variety of classroom styles. Participants will also learn about some basic facilitation techniques, including how to: shift roles from "lecturer" to "facilitator", introduce activities to students, and lead students through an activity.

Marine Technology: Underwater Intervention 2012

(3 days) New OrleansLA70130

Underwater Intervention is the combined annual conference of the
Association of Diving Contractors International and the
The Marine Technology Society's ROV Committee
Underwater Intervention ©

In 1993, Underwater Intervention was introduced as the combination of the ROV Intervention Conference and The ADCI Diving Symposium. The success of those early years has continued with Underwater Intervention growing annually into the world's premiere event for Remotely Operated Vehicles, Commercial Diving Contractors, Manned Submersibles, and all other aspects of the Underwater Operations Industry.

The most recent conference and exhibition, held in New Orleans Feb. 9 - 11, 2010, saw record growth in exhibiting companies. The technical program had a strong offering, and our attendance was healthy. In a business climate where companies are cutting back and travel budgets are tight, our numbers prove that Underwater Intervention is highly valued as an event that cannot be missed.

Underwater Intervention's sponsoring organizations are non-profit, membership supported professional organizations. By supporting Underwater Intervention, you are supporting and giving back to the industries and communities represented at Underwater Intervention. Proceeds from the annual conference go back into member driven programs that support education and training, provide scholarships, and support safety initiatives throughout the underwater operations industries.

American Association of Community Colleges: Workforce Development Institute

(4 days) MiamiFL33131

The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) convenes the 19th annual Workforce Development Institute (WDI) Wednesday, January 25 through Saturday, January 28.

Designed as a comprehensive program for community college-based workforce service providers, the Workforce Development Institute (WDI) is an annual three-day conference that aims to educate, invigorate, and motivate those who are new to workforce development as well as seasoned practitioners.

WDI brings together all the partners, community college professionals, businesses, government leaders, and nonprofit organizations for networking opportunities. it is an event you need to attend.

Preconference sessions are on Wednesday, January 25. Plan to come early and stay through the Saturday sessions.

Mixing in Math: Enhancing Everday Activities to Build Confidence and Competence in Mathematics

Learn how informal educators and librarians are using Mixing in Math, a set of free materials in English and Spanish to add math to circle time, story time, family events, and crafts. Mixing in Math was highlighted as an exemplary out-of-school time program for girls by the Harvard Family Research Project. During this webinar, we will show you how to use Mixing in Math to sprinkle a little math into what you already do with girls and their families. Come ready to explore shapes, sizes, and patterns in everyday life!

Ways of Introducing Nanotechnology Into Your Program

The NACK center offers a live webinar, hosted by MATEC NetWorks, every month to engage and educate those of you that are interested in learning more about nanotechnology related topics. Our webinars are accessible online from virtually anywhere, and they are FREE to attend and/or replay. See complete details and registration links to future and past webinars at Click on the 'Educators' tab.

OP-TEC Hybrid, Online Professional Development Course: Fundamentals of Light and Lasers

The National Center for Optics and Photonic Education (OP-TEC), a National Science Foundation (NSF) National Center of Excellence, promotes photonics education and assists colleges to develop and implement educational programs in optics and photonics.

As part of its efforts to provide faculty development in optics and photonics, OP-TEC offers a hybrid, online faculty development course in optics and photonics. This online course is being offered at no charge to U.S. high school, community college and technical college faculty interested in teaching a basic photonics course.


The Webinar will feature three tools that have been developed to improve the security and resilience of our Nation’s buildings and infrastructure. The tools provide scores for risk and resilience and are capable of analyzing and compiling a range of high-performance requirements, including: energy conservation; safety (earthquakes, floods, winds, and fire); security (explosives, ballistics and chemical, biological and radiological); environmental footprint; sustainability; durability; and continuity of operations, in an effort to provide an improved comprehensive solution for the physical environment.

To register for this webinar please click here.

Pathway 101: Inquiry and Action for Retention of Vulnerable and Tentative Students

ACE Founder Diego Navarro and Pathway Manager Jim Knickerbocker, PhD explain how ACE Pathway can help colleges to apply the latest research on “tentative” students. Such “tentative” students are typically underprepared, developmental education, vulnerable, or have risk factors that come from lives of poverty.

*What is ACE Pathway?
*What are the benefits to colleges using ACE Pathway?
*How is ACE Pathway different than other approaches?
*What are tangible outcomes of using ACE Pathway?
*Why is ACE qualified to offer Pathway?
*How does ACE Pathway work?
*How can I learn more about ACE Pathway?
*What is the ACE Pathway Launch?

To register please click here.

CyberWatch: Second Life Island Training

CyberWatch maintains a CyberWatch Second Life Island that has classrooms available for faculty to teach virtual classes in. We also have a student “sandbox” area in which they can develop – or participate in a virtual security audit exercise. This training will walk faculty through what they need to know to schedule virtual classes, register their students to attend, and use the presentation media – as well as will orient faculty on the use of the sandbox. Contact for more information and to register!

STEM Summit: Integrating STEM into Todayâs Classroom to Develop Tomorrowâs Leaders

(2 days) BellevueWA98007

This two-day Summit will introduce participants to K-20 best practices in education focusing on innovative teaching and learning in STEM. Attendees will examine curriculum for incorporation of best practices in STEM teaching and learning.

This free event includes lunch and snacks, materials, and fun giveaways.

Your educational colleagues will be sharing their strategies for incorporating STEM in the classroom
Industry professionals from aerospace and advanced manufacturing, education, energy, and information and computing technology will highlight emerging technology and workforce trends.

The STEM Summit keynote is Dr. Bradley Layton. His presentation will focus on Energy Technology Education in Efficiency To Engender Energy Independence:Science & Math Lay the Foundation for the Next Generation of Energy Technology Leaders.

The curriculum development this year will be facilitated by Dr. Michele Royer. Expect an innovative practicum developed by Dr. Royer which will allow you to take a project and adapt it using STEM principles to your classroom.

In a fun hands-on environment of multi-disciplinary faculty teams, develop engaging student STEM projects in the context of aerospace, education, energy, and Information and Computing Technology industries using innovative collaborative teaching/learning processes. Through the guided activity you will:

-Create multi-disciplinary student projects that can be applied to your classroom or to an online environment
-Explore innovative processes for student collaboration across programs and institutions, and for industry engagement in student learning experiences
-Share perspectives from different disciplines and different education levels through the lens of a collaborative project
-Discuss barriers and possible solutions to implementing truly multidisciplinary student experiences to meet the needs of growth industries and emerging technologies

STEM Summit has reserved the Hotel Sierra, a premier boutique hotel, a less than five minute walk from the N-Building at Bellevue College, for you at a great rate. Visit the Hotel Sierra to reserve your room now. After Friday, January 20, 2012, the room rate may no longer be available. Mention or use the code “STEM Summit” to get this rate. Please contact us if you have any problems with this code.

MATEC Networks Webinar: Entrepreneurial Development

MATEC NETWORKS produces free online webinars covering various topics in advanced technology education. A Webinar is a seminar, a workshop, or a lecture administered through the computer where participants and presenter can interact together. It is not just a one-way presentation, but a two-way connection between presenter and attendees. The Webinars will be conducted through Elluminate, a virtual meeting room accessible online from virtually anywhere. Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance upon request. This webinar, Entrepreneurial Development, discusses "Incorporating entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and abilities into technology programs."

Date: February 10th, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern
Length: 90 minutes

To register visit:

Educating for Careers Conference

(3 days) SacramentoCA95814

The Educating for Careers Conference is an annual three-day professional development event surrounding career technical education (CTE). A variety of delivery systems, strategies, and Industry Sectors throughout the CTE system are represented in the more than 170 breakout sessions offered over the course of this three-day pre-conference and conference.Technical assistance is also provided by several of the delivery systems through special office hours during the conference.

Even though education is facing great fiscal challenges across the nation and professional development has continued to take a large hit, it is understood by all stakeholders that continuing to improve classroom instruction and student achievement is critical for our success as a nation. Therefore, the overarching goal of this conference is to offer high-quality, cost-effective professional development for all stakeholders with broad general breakout session themes such as: Assessment & Accountability; California Partnership Academies Model; Career Pathways/Industry Sectors; Curriculum & Instructional Strategies; Employer & Community Partnerships; Mentor & Internship Programs; Middle School Connections; Perkins Policy & Programs; Secondary-Postsecondary Connections; and Work-Based Learning.

HSPI Webinar: Course Structure and Alignment with Standards

This webinar will cover how POGIL activities can fit within your overall course structure. Tips for integration within current classes and expected student responses will be discussed. Alignment of POGIL's to the National Science Standards and specific state Standards in New York and Pennsylvania will also be covered.

National Science Foundation (NSF): Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Proposal Preparation Workshop


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is organizing a series of events to provide information about submitting a proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program. Universities and 2- or 4-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the United States, or a consortia of such institutions; or U.S. nonprofit entities that have established consortia among such institutions of higher education may submit Noyce Teacher Scholarship proposals. For Noyce Teacher Scholarship Proposals, one of the participants should be a prospective PI or Co-PI and must be a faculty member in a mathematics, science, or engineering department. The workshop or webinar is recommended for STEM faculty and education faculty who are considering submitting proposals to the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program in 2012. Please register for the workshop or one of the two webinar dates by Monday, February 13. A confirmation will be sent to you at the email that was used for registration.

How is Nanotechnology Changing the Electronics Industry?

The NACK center offers a live webinar, hosted by MATEC NetWorks, every month to engage and educate those of you that are interested in learning more about nanotechnology related topics. Our webinars are accessible online from virtually anywhere, and they are FREE to attend and/or replay. See complete details and registration links to future and past webinars at Click on the 'Educators' tab, or visit

FOSS4G Workshop @ AAG in NYC

New YorkNY10001

The GeoTech Center, Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) & Bird's Eye View have created a complete course curriculum based on Free and Open Source Software for GIS (FOSS4G). This workshop will demonstrate the FOSS4G software and lesson materials available for educators to use in their classrooms immediately. If you have been interested in teaching a FOSS4G course or just want to know more about FOSS4G, but didn't know where to start, or where to find curriculum material, this workshop is for you. It is recommended that you bring a laptop. Live bootable FOSS4G DVD's will be provided.

Micro and Nano Machining for High Aspect Ratio Structures

Ann ArborMI48109

This is a one day workshop on micro and nano machining for high aspect ratio structures in glass, silicon, silicon carbide, PZT and other materials, held at the Lurie Nanofabrication Facility at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.

The short course will include both classroom lectures and hands-on activities relevant to many different applications. Topics that will be covered include:
DRIE on Si, glass, other materials
Metrology and analysis of etched results
Design rules
Masking strategies: resists and others
Review of LNF capabilities
…and much more!!!!

AAG Panel: Gateway GIS Courses Using GTCM

New YorkNY10019

With the Geospatial Revolution fully integrated with our student populations, many students today interact with geospatial technology on a daily basis, and their activity space extends to international communities worldwide. What should be the core skills and outcomes of a GIS 101 class that will allow these contemporary general student populations greater integration and implementation of emergent geospatial skills in their academic and daily lives? The session explores strategies to integrate a GIS 101 class with General Education requirements, as well as how gateway GIS 101 courses integrate with the Geospatial Technology Competency Model.

Supporting the Students of the Future: Retention of Vulnerable & Tentative Students

ACE Founder Diego Navarro delves deeper into the concepts he presented in his Change magazine article “Supporting the Students of the Future” and engages participants in an interactive discussion.

Session topics include:

Who are “vulnerable” or “tentative” students?
How can we reach these students?
What can we do to increase retention & completion for these students?


To register please click here

Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL): 1 Day Public Workshop


This workshop provides an introduction to POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) and explores the benefits of this approach to active learning in the classroom. Participants will experience a POGIL-based learning environment, analyze activities to understand how guided inquiry is structured in a POGIL classroom, and consider classroom facilitation and other issues related to the implementation of POGIL.

Items 631 - 660 of 4,034