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3) Responsible Design for Product and Apparel Industries


1) Title

Responsible Design for Product and Apparel Industries


2) Description

Product development begins with a concept or idea; The beginning stages in design starts as a creative process. The process needs specific motivations to allow intuitive thought, brainstorming,  conceptual visualization, and critical thinking  of the product while maintaining acceptable levels of economic feasibility. In order for the entire process to remain cohesive, challenges are set to create a variety of paths as problem solving evolves. Problem solving for responsible design needs to be integrated in all parts of the creative process and continued throughout the  product development stages of manufacture as well as distribution and disuse of the product.


3) Critical Skills Addressed


Critical Thinking

Problem Analysis


4) Materials created and compiled by:

Ms. Lisa Steinberg, Program Coordinator, Fashion Design and Fashion Product Merchandising


5) Materials for Instructors

Responsible Design.docx


6) Materials for Students

Responsible Design.docx


7) Additional Materials

Applications Approach

Thoughtful design of how the material supporting requisite skills and competencies are delivered to students in a learning environment

Common Elements of an Applications Approach

  • The application must have readily identifiable significance in terms of functionality and economic benefit

  • The underlying and reliant principles must be summarized in plain language and communicated with a simple figure or table

  • The application and principles must have significance to future academic courses as well as in likely career experiences

  • The introduction and development of the application must follow a sound pedagogical approach



Applications Library

Development of an initial Applications Library has been completed. College faculty were paired with industry partners to create workplace applications that link identified skills and competencies needed in the workforce with the principles taught in the classroom. The applications database will will inform instructors of the best way to present topical material and relate it to real-world applications highlighted by our industry partners.

Contextualizing course material in this way will ensure that graduates possess the conceptual knowledge they need and have a deeper understanding of the application of the fundamental principles.

An applications development team comprised of faculty, administrators, and advisory committee members will continue to meet regularly to further develop and incorporate the applications into the curriculum.


1) Oral and Written Communication Skills

2) Components of culture and their effects during a serious disease outbreak

3) Responsible Design for Product and Apparel Industries

4) Newton’s Law of Cooling and Conduction in Thermodynamics

5) Your Professional Work Ethic: A Guide for those who strive for excellence


4) Newton’s Law of Cooling and Conduction in Thermodynamics


1) Title

Newton’s Law of Cooling and Conduction in Thermodynamics


2) Description

Newton’s Law of Cooling states that the rate of heat loss of an object in a cooler environment is proportional to the temperature difference between the object and the environment. The rate of heat transfer may begin to be studied after students are introduced to exponential functions, likely in an algebra course. Deeper analysis is possible with the introduction of implicit differentiation in a calculus course. The teaching and learning materials, assessments, and resources in this document are intended to be used in mathematics courses included by not limited to college algebra, precalculus, and single-variable calculus.


3) Critical Skills Addressed

Applied Basic Mathematics


4) Materials created and compiled by:

Prof. Jonathan Weisbrod, Asst. Prof. Mathematics, Rowan College at Burlington County


5) Materials for Instructors

NSF App Database Submission (1).mht


6) Materials for Students

Application of First Order Differential Equations in Temperature Problems.pdf


Differential Equations-Study of Elastic Columns .pdf

Engineering Differential Equations-Theory and Applications.pdf


7) Additional Materials


2) Components of culture and their effects during a serious disease outbreak.


1) Title

Components of culture and their effects during a serious disease outbreak.

2) Description

This application involves the components of culture, i.e. institutions, norms, and models demonstrated by how the Acholi people of Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan perceived and reacted to the Ebola outbreak of 2000-2001.


3) Critical Skills Addressed




Critical Thinking

Problem Analysis



4) Materials created and compiled by:

Dr. Brandon Chapman, Instructor and Program Coordinator of Sociology and Anthropology, Rowan College at Burlington County


5) Materials for Instructors


Discussion Questions.doc

Essay Rubric.doc

Oral Debate Rubric.doc



6) Materials for Students


Oral Debate.doc


7) Additional Materials

5) Your Professional Work Ethic: A Guide for those who strive for excellence


1) Title

Your Professional Work Ethic: A Guide for those who strive for excellence.


2) Description

This application helps students to examine their own work habits, motivations, and

values and to conceptualize and use their work ethics.


3) Critical Skills Addressed


Work Ethic


4) Materials created and compiled by:

Prof. Brina Sedar , Assistant Professor of Human Services and Addictions Counseling ,
Faculty Advisor Human Services Club


5) Materials for Instructors



6) Materials for Students

Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory – Introduction to Business.pdf

What are Work



7) Additional Materials



1) Oral and Written Communication Skills

1) Title

Oral and Written Communication Skills


2) Description

In 2018, the Association of American Colleges and Universities reported on a nationwide survey designed to identify what employers seek when hiring new college graduates.  Presidents, executives, and hiring managers participated in the study.  The results of the survey unambiguously indicated that institutions of higher education in the United States needed to place more emphasis on core competencies such as oral and written communication skills in order for college graduates to compete in todays global economy.  The 2018 survey specifically stated, "when hiring recent graduates, business executives and hiring managers place a high priority on demonstrated proficiency in a variety of skill and knowledge areas that cut across majors."  As supported by various surveys completed over the past ten years, the 2018 survey was no different in its findings that effective oral and written communication skills continues to be rated as the most desired soft skill when hiring new college graduates. 

Colleges have not turned a blind eye to the data and have recognized and embraced the importance of strong communication skills for their graduates by designating the freshman level public speaking course and freshman level writing course as general education requirements.  However, beyond fulfilling a graduation requirement the speech classroom acts as the primary laboratory in which most college students hone their overall communication skills. 

The following modules will be organized by theme and will include resources for both the student and professor to expand their knowledge base.  Modules will include a variety of pod casts, open educational resources, activity ideas, and professional discussions with industry partners and internal experts.


3) Critical Skills Addressed




4) Materials created and compiled by:

Prof. Christopher Gazzara, Asst. Professor English, Rowan College at Burlington County

Dr. Erica Osmond, Associate Professor of Speech & Communication Arts, Coordinator of Speech & Communication Arts, Faculty Excellence Coordinator, Rowan College at Burlington County



5) Materials for Instructors

Introversion Scale.pdf

feelings about communicating with others.pdf


6) Materials for Students

3.1 What Is Communication Apprehension_ – Stand up, Speak out.pdf

Billionaire Warren Buffett Says This 1 Skill Will Boost Your Career Value by 50 Percent _

How volunteering helps students to develop soft skills.pdf


Liberal Arts vs. STEM.pdf

Dress Rehearsal for Your Presentation by Gilda Bonanno.pdf

Reducing Communication Apprehension.pdf

Silence is Not Golden_ Reducing Communication Apprehension in the University Classroom.pdf

Soft Skills.pdf


7) Additional Materials