STEMLink puts thousands of high-quality authoritative applied STEM educational materials right into the Learning Management System on your campus.
Developed as part of the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education initiative, these resources include modules, videos, demonstrations, assessments, and more, created by STEM educators and content experts primarily based at two-year institutions across the US, and all available for use in your courses and classrooms at no cost to you or your institution.
What kind of materials are available through STEMLink?
STEM educational materials include courses, modules, videos, demonstrations, assessments, and more, covering a wide variety of applied STEM fields, including nano and microtechnology, materials science, advanced manufacturing, geospatial technologies, cybersecurity, and precision agriculture, as well as fundamental areas like biology, chemistry, engineering, and mathematics.
Where do STEMLink materials come from?
The curriculum and resources available via STEMLink are developed by content experts at academic institutions across the country under funding from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education initiative.
What does STEMLink cost?
STEMLink and all of the materials available via STEMLink are free. There is no charge to you or your institution for connecting to STEMLink or using the STEMLink materials in your courses and classrooms.
What LMS platforms work with STEMLink?
STEMLink currently supports Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle, and work on support for other LMS platforms is under way.
What does STEMLink cost?
STEMLink and all of the materials available via STEMLink are free. There is no charge to you or your institution for connecting to STEMLink or using the STEMLink materials in your courses and classrooms.
Does STEMLink comply with accessibility standards?
The STEMLink interface meets version 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines at level AA (so it is WCAG 2.2 AA compliant). A Volunary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for STEMLink can be downloaded below.
How do I connect my campus LMS to STEMLink?
Connecting your campus Learning Management System to STEMLink so that your faculty can use STEMLink resources in their courses is fast and easy. Just go to Register Your LMS, select your LMS platform, and follow the instructions.
Adding STEMLink to Your Canvas LMS
Adding STEMLink to Your Blackboard LMS
Adding STEMLink to Your Moodle LMS
Why should ATE centers be interested in STEMLink?
On top of the obvious benefit of putting more ATE materials into the hands of a greater number of educators and students, STEMLink supports offering materials in carefully curated collections, allowing you to assemble materials into groups specifically crafted for your audience and branded as coming from your ATE center. Making use of STEMLink may also contribute to your center’s ability to connect with programs or institutions that are not part of the ATE community and raise their awareness of the program itself as well as the resources available through ATE.
With virtually all educational institutions utilizing Learning Management Systems as part of their technology infrastructure, STEMLink can make the materials you create and curate directly available for use in the classrooms on campuses, labs, and other educational settings nationwide.
Additionally, STEMLink can provide you with usage data that you can share with NSF and other stakeholders, helping you document the impact of your efforts and potentially justify additional support.
What kind of materials are suitable for STEMLink?
Any and all classroom-ready LMS-compatible materials created with ATE support can be made available via STEMLink. (LMS-compatible materials include PDFs, MP4 videos, YouTube videos, and MP3 audio files. If you have questions about whether your materials are classroom-ready or LMS-compatible, or how to make your materials LMS-compatible, please do not hesitate to email us at
Why should I want my materials to be available via STEMLink?
Learning Management Systems are in use on virtually every community and technical college campus in the US, and STEMLink can make the materials you create directly available for use in the classrooms on those campuses, potentially greatly increasing the awareness and impact of your work.
In addition to the increased use and exposure, STEMLink can provide you with additional usage data that you can share, with NSF and other stakeholders, helping you document the impact of your efforts and potentially justify additional support.
What kind of materials are suitable for STEMLink?
Any and all classroom-ready LMS-compatible materials created with ATE support can be made available via STEMLink. (LMS-compatible materials include PDFs, MP4 videos, YouTube videos, and MP3 audio files. If you have questions about whether your materials are classroom-ready or LMS-compatible, or how to make your materials LMS-compatible, please do not hesitate to email us at
How can I make my materials available via STEMLink?
If your materials are classroom-ready and have been archived with ATE Central, then they are available via STEMLink. To learn more about archiving and how to submit your materials for archiving, please visit the Archiving Service page. If you're not sure whether your materials have been archived or have other archiving-related questions, please email ATE Central's archiving team at
For more information or to bring STEMLink to your campus, please email