
This 4-page Nanoscale Electrodeposition Activity is part of a series of resources collected by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility to teach students about electron-beam vapor depositions. This hands-on activity is designed to help students in Grades 5-12 "apply an understanding of relationships among the amount of electric current flowing through a circuit, the time that the current is flowing, the number and diameter of ions that undergo chemical reduction, and the nanoscale thickness of a thin layer of a metal." During this activity, students "electroplate a nanoscale layer of zinc onto a rectangular piece of copper metal" using a copper electrode, a zinc electrode, and a dilute zinc nitrate solution. Students create an electrodeposition current using these materials along with a battery holder, and measure this current using an ammeter. Students also conduct a series of calculations using the data they collect during this activity. This activity is part of the Nanoscale Electrodeposition Lesson, and other parts of the lesson are available to view separately. 

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