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Science -- Chemistry


Screenshot for Crystal Packin' Mama: Crystal Structure/Packing Exercise
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on the basic crystal structures that metal atoms form. The laboratory exercise uses Styrofoam balls and toothpicks to construct the packing configurations that metals form. The lesson includes a step by step...
Screenshot for CT1103 Introduction to Corrosion
This 2-page syllabus includes information on the Introduction to Corrosion course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course provides an "introduction to internal, external, and atmospheric corrosion including terminology, causes of common corrosion problems in industry, and...
Screenshot for CT1104 Cathodic Protection
This 2-page syllabus includes information about the Cathodic Protection course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course offers "... an in-depth study of corrosion control of buried or submerged metallic structures utilizing both impressed and galvanic cathodic protection...
Screenshot for CT2103 Internal Corrosion
This 3-page syllabus provides information about the Internal Corrosion course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course is "an in-depth study of internal corrosion found in oil and gas wells, pipelines, refineries, process plants, and other industrial installations including the...
Screenshot for CT2113 Atmospheric Corrosion
This 2-page syllabus provides information about the Atmospheric Corrosion course taught a Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course is an in-depth survey of the experimental and theoretical studies of atmospheric corrosion. The course "covers/identifies the main factors that cause...
Screenshot for CT2114 Special Topics in Corrosion Technology
This 3-page syllabus provides information about the Special Topics in Corrosion Technology course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course addresses "... current events, skills, knowledge and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to...
Screenshot for CT2123 Introduction to Metallurgy
This 2-page syllabus provides information about the Introduction to Metallurgy course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). This course is intended to teach students about the behavior and service of metals in industry. Metallurgical terms and definitions are introduced. Students study "...
Screenshot for CT2143 Coatings and Linings
This 3-page syllabus provides information about the Coatings and Linings course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). The course "... is an in-depth study of corrosion control with coatings and linings, which includes surface preparation, coating application, inspection, and failure...
Screenshot for CT2153 Reports and Estimating
This 3-page syllabus provides information about Reports and Estimating course taught at Seward County Community College (SCCC). During this course, students study "... corrosion reports and estimation of cost associated with corrosion reports and estimation of cost associated with projects along...
Screenshot for Demonstration of the Lotus Effect
This video demonstrates the lotus effect, which refers to the high water repellency of certain leaves, from a plant found in Tenerife. The lotus effect is demonstrated by pouring water and honey on a water-repellent leaf. Running time for the video is 2:48.
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