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Science -- Biology


Screenshot for Hacking B Cells
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from the 2022 Antibody Engineering Hackathon, an event where teams collaborated to develop Course-based Undergraduate Research projects (CURES) for students studying biotechnology. In this presentation, Justin J. Taylor, associate professor at the...
Screenshot for Heat Fixing a Bacterial Culture to a Slide
This video from CUNY Kingsborough Community College describes how to heat fix a bacterial culture to a slide. The demonstration is described step by step and would be easy to replicate in a laboratory setting. Running time for the video is 1:41.
The North Carolina Community College System BioNetwork's interactive eLearning tools (IETs) are reusable chunks of training that can be deployed in a variety of courses or training programs. IETs are designed to enhance, not replace hands-on training. Learners are able to enter a hands-on lab...
Alu is an example of a so-called 'jumping gene' - a transposable DNA sequence that reproduces "by copying itself and inserting into new chromosome locations." This animation from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Dolan DNA Learning Center presents Alu through a series of illustrations of the processes...
Screenshot for How Does a DNA Microarray Work?
In this video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), viewers are introduced to the structure of DNA microarrays. Viewers will learn about the physical structure of an array, how it works by utilizing the DNA hybridization process, and how an array analysis is interpreted. This...
Use of embryonic stem cells in research has been hotly debated for several years. This animation presents the basics on how stem cell lines are established. This animation from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's Dolan DNA Learning Center presents how embryonic stem cell lines are made through a series...
Screenshot for How'd You Think of That? with Temple Grandin: Building a Brain (S1, Ep. 12)
This podcast is hosted by Temple Grandin and is provided by the STEM Action Center. This podcast features STEM professionals discussing their work and the benefits of a multifaceted approach to STEM education. During episode twelve, Temple Grandin talks with Sara Freeman, an Assistant Professor of...
Screenshot for How'd You Think of That? with Temple Grandin: Erik Jorgensen and Temple Grandin (S1, Ep. 1)
This podcast is hosted by Temple Gardin and is provided by the STEM Action Center. This podcast features STEM professionals discussing their work and the benefits of a multifaceted approach to STEM education. During episode one, Gardin talks with Erik Jorgensen, Professor of Biology at the...
Screenshot for How'd You Think of That? with Temple Grandin: Seeing Details (S1, Ep. 10)
This podcast is hosted by Temple Grandin and is provided by the STEM Action Center. This podcast features STEM professionals discussing their work and the benefits of a multifaceted approach to STEM education. During episode eleven, Temple Grandin talks with Sue Barry, a Professor Emeritus of...
Screenshot for iCn3D Basics
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. The video provides step-by-step instructions on performing basic functions in iCn3D. The instructions...
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