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Science -- Instructional issues


This 40-page resource, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), is one of three modules that cover forensic science and homeland security. These modules pertain "to the imaging component in homeland security as a photonics-enabled technology." This module "covers...
Screenshot for Innovation STEM Education Through Guitar Design Manufacturing - Guitar Design and Manufacture Workbook
This 154-page resource from the STEM Guitar Project is a guitar design and manufacturing workbook. The resource is divided into the following sections: About Us, Learner Centered Learning Objectives, Science, Math, Electronics, Technology, Wood, and Appendi[ces]. Background information on the STEM...
Screenshot for Inquiry Strategies for the Journey North Teacher
This website provides science related lesson plans and discussion questions for an inquiry-oriented classroom. "In an inquiry-oriented classroom, the teacher is a co-explorer and guide who cultivates curiosity and challenges students to think and act like scientists as they explore intriguing...
This 211-page textbook, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), is intended for a five-module course on integrated photonics. This book provides "an overview of the technology device characteristics, fabrication techniques and equipment, and applications in...
This web site offers a variety of resources for learning about technology. Sections include: K-12 Education Resources, Maker Resources for Educators, Higher Education, Intel Education Accelerator, and Intel Technology Provider. Information is also included for Creating Successful Learning...
 The website provides interactive plasma physics tutorials on topics including electricity, magnetism, energy, and fusion. The site has links to Virtual Tokamak and Virtual Magnetic Stability Modules as well as Java applets to learn about Plasma and Fusion Containment.
Screenshot for International System of Units (SI) Rules and Style Conventions: Checklist for Reviewing Manuscripts
This page from the National Institute of Standards and Technology provides an SI Unit rules and style conventions checklist for reviewing manuscripts. There are 22 aspects of the checklist including General, Abbreviations, Plurals, Punctuation, Multiplication and division, typeface, and more. 
This 4-page resource is provided by the GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate and is intended as a professional development activity. During this activity users will learn to navigate and work with a web map by using map tools...
Screenshot for Intro to the New Chain Gang: The Physical Properties of Polymeric Chains
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment as an introduction to the physical properties of polymeric chains. The lesson involves using pop-beads to represent polymeric chains. Several video clips are included along with a step-by step procedure for the...
These presentation slides are intended for use in a college-level introductory course in alternative and renewable energy. The document covers solar thermal power, including low, medium and high temperature collectors. A thorough description of each type of equipment is included along with a number...
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