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Science -- Agriculture


Course Description: Biofuels was developed by Ross Spackman, Ph.D. for Agrowknowledge and is an introductory college level course. This course "focuses on combustion fuels made from nonpetroleum sources and introduces the sources, processing, and social impacts of biofuel utilization." The materials...
Screenshot for Bioprotection: SO2 Alternatives for Microbial Control
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America explores the need for new winemaking tools and practices to reduce sulfite use as an additive. In the video, Eglantine Chauffour highlights the drawbacks to using the popular sulfite SO2 in winemaking; bio-protection through the use of Bio-Nature, a ...
Screenshot for Biotech Careers: Agricultural and Food Science Technician
This page from Bio-Link's career website features agricultural and food technician career and education information. This page includes a brief description of agricultural science technicians, who "develop and follow protocols to store crop and animal samples, operate farm equipment and maintain...
Screenshot for BMCC Precision Ag Series: Variable Rate Application
This video, published by Blue Mountain Community College, provides an introduction to variable rate application. Employees in various aspects of the agricultural industry discuss relevant equipment and technology. Tractors are shown applying chemicals in agricultural fields using the technique, and...
This 63-page resource provides information on topics taught in the Cane Farming in Florida course that is part of the Sugar Cane Technology Program at Palm Beach Community College. "This introductory course provides students with the background to understand the impact of agricultural activities on...
Screenshot for Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR)
The Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR), part of the Washington State University College Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, develops and fosters agriculture and natural resource management approaches that are economically viable, environmentally sound,...
Screenshot for Charging Forward Webinar: Renewable Energy Education Amidst the COVID-19
In this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education, presenters discuss the renewable energy workforce, impacts of COVID-19, and future career opportunities in clean energy. Presenters include Ken Walz, Director of the Renewable Energy Program at Madison...
Screenshot for Check Planting Corn, Genoa, Nebraska
This video, made available by fulblast1, shows farmers in Genoa, Nebraska check planting corn. The video also shows corn plant growth some time after planting. The recording runs 4:52 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Checking the Food Odometer: Comparing Food Miles for Local Foods Versus Conventional Produce Sales to Iowa Institut
This publication of Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University, is of research conducted that compared weighted average source distance (WASD) of foods grown locally in Iowa to those foods obtained from traditional sources.
This PowerPoint presentation, made available by Clark State Community College, provides an overview of precision agriculture as well as programs and grants at Clark State Community College in the precision agriculture field. Topics covered include: Managing Assets by the in^2, Managing "Uniqueness",...
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