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Vocational Education -- Careers


Screenshot for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator: Developing a Curriculum
The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) provides this DACUM, or curriculum development tool, for wastewater treatment plant operator programs. Required categories and the specific tasks or competencies associated with each are outlined. 
Screenshot for Water Treatment Technician: Developing a Curriculum
The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) provides this DACUM, or curriculum development tool, for water treatment technician programs. Required categories for the position and the specific tasks or competencies associated with each are outlined.
This slide deck, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), is from two presentations on energy utilization. The presentations are titled Workforce Trends and Needs in the Energy Efficiency Sector, and Doing More with Less: Green Energy Opportunities in the Semiconductor...
This webinar and corresponding presentation slides, provided by the Maricopa Advanced Technology Center (MATEC), were presented on March 12, 2010 and provide information regarding industry expectations of technical education graduates. The presenters for this presentation include Michael Lesiecki,...
This video, created by Weld-Ed: The National Center for Welding Education and Training, is 7 minutes long and introduces potential students of all ages to welding as a career path. The video covers the difference between welders and welding technicians, the wide range of materials joined, and the...
This video, created by Weld-Ed: The National Center for Welding Education and Training, is 4 minutes long and discusses the BS program in welding at Ohio State. Several students are interviewed and discuss their classes, the labs, and the mentorship program. Emphasis is placed on the large number of...
Screenshot for What GIS Technicians Do: A Synthesis of DACUM Analysis
This article is a consolidation of 8 DACUM Job Analyses for GIS Technicians from across the United States published in the URISA Journal Volume 22, Issue 2, 2010. It includes supplemental tables. Identifies 55 common task categories, 35 knowledge and skill categories and 27 behavior categories which...
Screenshot for What is Manufacturing?
This PowerPoint presentation from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center provides an introduction to general manufacturing. The material focuses on manufacturing that is Florida based, but would be useful for students in other regions as well. The presentation demonstrates the...
This brochure provides information about career pathways for robotics and photonics technicians. Career areas highlighted are: defense and national security; advanced manufacturing and automation; analytical equipment manufacturing; laser and optical equipment manufacturing; research and...
This video, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington, discusses a variety of careers that work to improve energy efficiency. The video is 6:57 in length and the first half provides a general overview of wind with diagrams. In the second half,...
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