Browse Resources

(24 classifications) (66 resources)

Computer science

Key Concept Classifications
Algorithms (1)
Architecture (1)
Artificial intelligence (1)
Binary, octal, and hexadecimal number systems (2)
Bus structures (1)
Data processing (2)
Data storage (1)
Databases (2)
Event-driven programming (1)
Graphics (3)
Information systems (36)
Input / output devices (1)
Internet programming (6)
Memory (3)
Microchips (3)
Networks and network administration (17)
Object oriented programming (2)
Operating systems (6)
Programming languages (7)
Robotics (7)
Searching (1)
Security and privacy (44)
Systems (2)
Transistors and integrated circuits (5)


Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: BlogCast: House Rules? Net Neutrality and IPTV
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss legislative action concerning the net neutrality amendment to require broadband providers to offer the...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Cloud Computing Technologies
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, cloud computing technologies are discussed. Eleven different related technologies are discussed, including software, security...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Enterprise 2.0
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss the use of Web 2.0 technologies in industry, including blogging and social networking services. The...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Flat World Strategies: Google and Search Wikia, Search Technology Explained
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss "popular search engine technologies and discuss the Search Wikia project concept." The running time...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Flat World Strategies: Where's Your Office in a Flat World? - The Webware Wars
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss the proliferation of webware, such as Google Docs and Spreadsheets, GoogleFinance, and online office...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Hands-on with the iPad
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike shares his initial impressions after experimenting with the iPad. This podcast would be useful for anyone considering...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: iPod touch Overview and Impressions
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss the iPod touch, which Gordon describes as "basically an iPhone without the phone." They delve into the...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Joomla! Interview with TNR Global
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Joomla is discussed. Joomla is an open source content management system that enables you to build websites and other online...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Maximizing Your Twitter Experience- 10 Quick Tips
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, the hosts review ten basic tips on maximizing your use of Twitter. Other recent events in technology are also discussed,...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: Micro-blogging
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss micro-blogging, which allows for bloggers to post short messages from via text and instant messages,...
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