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Computer science -- Information systems


Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, the hosts discuss an article published by librarians Troy Swanson and Jeremy Green in the Journal of Academic Librarianship....
Screenshot for ICTStudy YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel from the Information and Communications Technologies Center evaluates the "effectiveness of both traditional and new media approaches in material dissemination methodology among ATE Centers & Projects nationwide." This channel presents the videos resulting from the project thus...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn what drove Choice Jennings—someone who had never owned a computer of his own—to become interested in computer graphics, attend community college, earn an associate's degree in computer systems engineering (CSE), and start his own information...
In this video excerpted from Pathways to Technology, you'll learn about the wide range of jobs that an information technology (IT) degree can make possible. From PCs to smartphones to cars, almost every tool we use today has computer technology embedded in it. The IT specialist is the person who...
This paper, from the Midwest Center for Information Technology (MCIT), outlines advice for success in leading large-scale collaborative projects in information technology education. The advice offered pertains to faculty development, community college curriculum, women in IT, course articulation,...
Karl Kapp, a professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, is the author of this blog and "discusses issues concerning learning, e-learning and the transferring knowledge from retiring baby boomers to incoming gamers. The goal is to share information and knowledge...
Screenshot for Mid-Pacific ICT Center YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel from the Mid-Pacific Information and Communications Technology Center provides a number of useful video clips. Highlights include interviews with professionals from the information technology industry, teaching tips for educators and general information technology related...
Screenshot for Pathways to ICT Education and Careers in San Francisco
This report documents research on organizations, programs, and efforts relevant to ICT Pathways in San Francisco. The ICT Pathways Project aims to "gather strategic stakeholders in San Francisco to improve pathways to ICT education and careers, grow our own ICT workforce, meet employer ICT workforce...
Screenshot for PBCL in an Information Technology Class
This video from the WGBH Educational Foundation is part of a series of videos that explore Problem-Based Case Learning (PBCL). In this video, IT students use PBCL processes and tools to explore a business problem and put forth possible solutions. The instructor serves as a facilitator, supporting...
This set of presentation slides, from the Applied Information Management Institute, describes the Midwest Center for Information Technology and outlines the Careerlink online job database before describing a research project undertaken using Careerlink. The study used the job postings on Careerlink...
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