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Micro and Nanotechnologies


Screenshot for Nano-Scale Device Simulations Using PROPHET
This lecture is intended to be a practical guide for the use of a general device simulator (PROPHET) available on nanoHUB. "PROPHET is a partial differential equation (PDE) solver that offers users the flexibility of integrating new models and equations for their nano-device simulations." This...
Screenshot for Nano-Scale Device Simulations Using PROPHET-Lab Exercise 1
This lecture, created by Yang Lui, is intended to be a practical guide on the use of a general device simulator (PROPHET) available on nanoHUB. PROPHET is a partial differential equation (PDE) solver that offers users the flexibility of integrating new models and equations for their nano-device...
Screenshot for NanoAnalogies: Size and Scale
In this brief activity, students are introduced to the nanometer and become familiar with just how small the nanoscale is. The lesson plan employs useful analogies to help illustrate the topics.
Screenshot for NanoApplications
In this activity, students review applications of nanotechnology and discuss issues involved in cutting edge technology. The purpose of the activity is to get students to think about how different advances in nanotechnology can be used in different ways, and what the ethical and societal...
This webpage, created by Chris Orfescu, uses art to explain the processes of nanotechnology.  Using microscopes to photograph subatomic particles, Orfescu creates nanolandscapes and nanosculptures by "manipulating matter at molecular and atomic scales using chemical and physical processes."  There...
Screenshot for Nanobacteria
This exercise, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of nanobacteria. In this lesson, students will "calculate surface area, draw graphs, and approximate the populations of bacteria and nanobes." This exercise will run more smoothly if students have an...
Screenshot for NanoBio mAB - Pasadena City College Team Wins First Place in National Community College Challenge
This video from Pasadena City College briefly describes the NanoBio mAB, a gold and silver nanoparticle. This nanoparticle hybrid attached to breast cancer-specific antibodies counteracts the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and cancer cells. The video describes some of its uses in cancer and...
Screenshot for Nanocellulose Module
Module Description: This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), introduces students to the technologies, processes and methods used for the creation of nanocelluloses. During the learning activity students produce a nanofiber paper by creating and processing pulp...
Screenshot for Nanocharacterization
This page from Foothill College describes the introductory Nanocharacterization course. "This course will provide an introduction to nanomaterials characterization tools, techniques, and best practice for a variety of industries, devices, and materials. Using scenario based curriculum and focus on...
Screenshot for Nanocrete Module
Module Description: This module, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), introduces students to nanoconrete, "the nanotechnologies, processes, and methods being tested by industry to prepare strong and lightweight cementitious products and systems." During the learning...
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