Browse Resources

(4 classifications) (18 resources)

Information and Security Technologies

ATE Area Classifications
Geospatial technologies (516)
Information and communications technologies (397)
Logistics (28)
Security, information assurance, and forensics (134)


This slide deck, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was part of a special webinar presentation by Ann Beheler. These slides cover best practices and key strategies behind the National CTC's Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model that encourages school business...
Screenshot for Cloud Curriculum (NOVA)
This resource, from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of a cloud computing degree program. Information on program details, transfer pathways, new course summaries, and more are highlighted.
Screenshot for Cloud Literacy (NOVA)
This resource, from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College, provides information on a series of events held to build cloud literacy and other competencies. The cloud computing series; an info sheet about virtual seminars on additive manufacturing, cybersecurity, and...
Screenshot for Cloud Literacy: Summer Camp
This resource, published by Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of summer camps offered to local high school students, focusing partly on the cloud computing summer camp. The college offers summer camps in engineering, additive manufacturing, robotics, cloud computing, cyber...
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