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(4 classifications) (18 resources)

Information and Security Technologies

ATE Area Classifications
Geospatial technologies (516)
Information and communications technologies (397)
Logistics (28)
Security, information assurance, and forensics (134)


Screenshot for IT Flexible Apprenticeship Program Resources
This 62-page resource, provided by Columbus State Community College, includes multiple presentations directed towards students at the IT Flexible Apprenticeship (ITFA) orientation, employer networking night, and throughout centralized hiring process. The ITFA program is designed to provide a direct,...
Screenshot for Summer Working Connections 20th Anniversary Retrospective
This video, delivered by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to attendees of the July 2022 Summer Working Connections professional development event, offered a retrospective featuring interviews and archival footage of the history and impact of the Working Connections program to help...
Screenshot for The Data Age Is Here, Are You Ready?
In this video, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to attendees of the July 2022 Summer Working Connections professional development event, Chris Visaya, Senior Manager of Education Delivery for Splunk, discusses both broad data science and data analytics workforce needs and...
Screenshot for Veteran Outreach (NOVA)
This resource, from Northern Virginia Community College and Columbus State Community College, contains military occupations specialty (MOS) transfer maps for cloud computing degrees. Information on MOS designations, MOS, enlistment status, branches, and more are covered. 
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