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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


Screenshot for Getting Hired at Microsoft
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV looks at careers at Microsoft. A software developer and a software engineer at Microsoft talk about their work. Listening to these professionals describe what they do will help...
Screenshot for Girls are IT! Information Technology Workshop
This 14-page document, made available by The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), is a "half-day, fun, but intensive, hands-on workshop with the stated purpose of interesting more middle-school girls in careers in information technology." The workshop is geared towards middle-school girls...
Screenshot for Girls Go Tech Workshops
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is a "one-day workshop designed to help middle school girls explore careers in technology fields." Included on the webpage is a list of course topics and downloadable course materials.  Course materials include a...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: 10 Questions with Karl Kapp
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon interview Karl Kapp, "a scholar, writer and expert on the convergence of learning, technology and business...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: 2006 Technology Predictions Part 1
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon present "the first of a two part podcast looking at Information and Communications Technology predictions for...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: 2006 Technology Predictions Part 2
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon present "the second of a two part podcast looking at Information and Communications Technology predictions for...
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon give an update on 4G wireless services including LTE and WiMax. The running time for this show is...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: 802.11 Moving Fast
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon discuss the January 2007 IEEE 802.11 Working Group approval of a new Draft 2.0 802.11n proposed standard. They...
Screenshot for Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast: A Conversation with Computer Forensics Professor Paula Velluto
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon have a conversation with Professor Paula Velluto of Bunker Hill Community College. The discussion focuses on...
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this video podcast, Gordon interviews David Hata, who is the originator of the SAME-TEC conference. Gordon and David discuss the history of...
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