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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


Screenshot for Introduction to network scanning with Nmap
This video, from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center, provides an overview of the Nmap network scanner software. This free and open source software is "... used by system administrators and penetration testers to provide information about a network and attached devices." ...
Screenshot for IT Portfolio Redoux
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was part of a special webinar presentation to the Convergence College Network (CCN) community of practice. The presenters, Dr. Tara Lewis and Jana Nixon from Collin College, discuss best practices for creating and...
Screenshot for IT Professionals Give Advice to Current IT Students
This compilation video clip, produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), features six IT professionals answering the same question: What advice would you give to a current student? The purpose of the video was to provide faculty with first-person perspectives of IT professionals...
Screenshot for IT Professionals Give Advice to IT Students - Soft Versus Technical Skills
This compilation video clip, produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), features six IT professionals answering the same question: What’s the difference between soft and tech skills? The purpose of the video was to provide faculty with first-person perspectives of IT professionals...
Screenshot for IT Professionals Give Advice to IT Students - What Skills or Practices Would Get Someone Hired
This compilation video clip, produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), features six IT professionals answering the same question: What skills or practices would get someone hired? The purpose of this video was to provide faculty with first-person perspectives of IT professionals...
Screenshot for IT Professionals Give Advice to IT Students - What Was Your First Job in IT
This compilation video clip, produced by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), features six IT professionals answering the same question: What was your first job in IT? The purpose of this video was to provide faculty with first-person perspectives of IT professionals that could be used...
This paper, from the Midwest Center for Information Technology (MCIT), outlines advice for success in leading large-scale collaborative projects in information technology education. The advice offered pertains to faculty development, community college curriculum, women in IT, course articulation,...
Screenshot for ITSS Conference Posters
These two posters, one from 2019 and one from 2022, were used to raise awareness of the IT Skill Standards (ITSS) 2020 and Beyond project and to recruit IT industry employer subject matter experts (SMEs) and educators. The ITSS project aimed to develop skill standards through meetings with SMEs in...
Screenshot for ITSS Flowchart
This flowchart graphic is from the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond project. The flowchart explains the project steps, from identifying the most in-demand job clusters, to verifying the entry-level job skills and other skill standard products, to disseminating the outcomes to educators and...
Screenshot for ITSS Promotional Material
These resources include an informational brochure and a video created by the Information Technology Skill Standards, 2020 and Beyond project. The brochure was created to raise overall awareness about the project, promote the skill standard products, and extend an invitation to an overview webinar....
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