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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


Screenshot for Mobile App Degree Programs and Courses
This resource, provided by Columbus State Community College, provides an overview of some mobile app degree programs and curriculum. This resource includes information on Mobile App Design AAS - program of study and sequence of courses, mobile app development AAS, and courses developed under a...
Screenshot for Mobile App Programs Outreach
This resource, provided by Columbus State Community College, includes an overview of the outreach efforts to promote degree pathways. The contents of this resource include the following: outreach plan, a copy of the website landing page, Mobile App Programs Hotcard, a flyer, presentation, social...
Screenshot for National Convergence Technology Center: Residential Networking Curriculum
This resource, assembled by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), contains a complete Residential Networking Syllabus, plus a breakdown topic-by-topic, which includes PowerPoint Presentations and Learning Activities related to each lesson. The downloadable syllabus includes twelve weeks,...
Screenshot for NetLab Virtualization: Providing Labs Anywhere and Anytime
This video from the National Convergence Technology Center explores NetLab, which provides students with access to information technology (IT) and cybersecurity labs remotely. In the video, Bill Saichek explores NetLab generally, as well as custom labs and pods in IT and cybersecurity areas through...
Screenshot for Network Topologies
Network topology is the physical arrangement of the switching devices of a network connecting a group of computers or buildings. This brief interactive activity, by the Electromechanical Digital Library and Wisconsin Technical College System faculty, explains how and why these connections are made....
This animation, is provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), includes a basic overview of the different types of of computer networks. Local Area Networks (LANS), Wide Area Networks (WANS), client servers, and Peer-to-Peer networks are covered. An .mp4 file is also available...
This website provides assignments collected at the Nifty Assignments session held at the annual meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). "The Nifty Assignments project attempts to gather together great CS assignments to make...
Screenshot for OpenStack Cloud Computing Part One
Collection Description: This collection is provided by Trident Technical College and includes OpenStack administration modules and some of the software needed to run OpenStack on a VMware Workstation. During the modules students are given different scenarios that involve working at CLOUDTech, a...
Screenshot for Pathways to ICT Education and Careers in San Francisco
This report documents research on organizations, programs, and efforts relevant to ICT Pathways in San Francisco. The ICT Pathways Project aims to "gather strategic stakeholders in San Francisco to improve pathways to ICT education and careers, grow our own ICT workforce, meet employer ICT workforce...
Screenshot for Perspectives on Stackable Certificates
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) as part of a special webinar to the Convergence College Network (CCN) community of practice, offers several perspectives on successful case studies and best practices related to stackable certificates. Presenters were...
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