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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


This textbook from author Gary J. Mullett provides an introduction to "the most popular forms of wireless telecommunications systems, as well as the emerging wireless technologies being used to extend the reach of the wired public or private data network." The book covers the basics of wireless...
Screenshot for Working Connections 2020: Hybrid App Development Using React Native
This Working Connections track, from Columbus State Community College, was shared virtually during the summer of 2020. Participants were instructed on how to use React Native to build a single codebase to produce both Android and iOS mobile apps. This resource includes information about the track...
Screenshot for Working Paper: Student Decision Making About Community College Information Technology Programs and Careers
This 36-page report by Renée Edwards and Michelle Van Noy explores decision making for community college students pursuing an education and career in information technology. Through a project funded by NSF, this study seeks to understand the factors that may hinder community college IT student...
Screenshot for Working with Files in C++ (The Concept Explained) (Video 15 of 23)
This video, published by Sinclair Community College, is part of the video series Complex Concepts, Simply Put. This series explores programming concepts to augment the training of prospective IT technicians. In the video, viewers learn how to work with files in C++. The video discusses file...
Screenshot for Write Your First C++ Program -  Hello World (Video 3 of 23)
This video, published by Sinclair Community College, is part of the video series Complex Concepts, Simply Put. This series explores programming concepts to augment the training of prospective IT technicians. In the video, viewers learn how to write a Hello World program with C++. The video provides...
These presentation slides, made available by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), provide information on the annual job skills meeting in which employers revise, discuss, and vote on essential entry-level job skills. Topics covered include: The Purpose, The Meeting, The Roles in the...
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