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General Advanced Technological Education -- Teacher preparation


Screenshot for Designing Spaces for Effective Learning: A Guide to 21st Century Learning Space Design
This 36-page resource provided by JISC highlights current thinking about the use of learning technologies and their impact on a range of physical spaces, using examples from current new-build and refurbishment projects from further and higher education institutions across the UK. A table of contents...
Screenshot for Developing Technology Teachers: Questioning the Industrial Tool Use Model
This article, by John W. Hansen and Gerald G. Lovedahl, covers professional development for technology teachers and questions the traditional industrial tool use model. The paper explores the question: "What is the desired outcome of a technology education program?" and discusses constraints on the...
Screenshot for Employability Skills Resource Toolkit
This Employability Skills Resource Toolkit, provided by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of the North Carolina Community College System's Code Green Super Curriculum Improvement Project (CIP). This project included more than 200 faculty members that engaged in curriculum...
Screenshot for Essential Earth and Space Science for Teachers
This online course is provided by Annenberg Learner and covers topics related to earth and space science. "This course is composed of eight sessions, each with a one-hour video program addressing a topic area in Earth and Space science that emphasizes the science content that is likely to be part of...
Screenshot for FAQs. II.(a) Active Learning vs. Covering The Syllabus; (b) Dealing with Large Classes
The article, written by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent, addresses the questions "Can I use active learning exercises in my classes and still cover the syllabus?" and "Do active learning methods work in large classes?"
Screenshot for Flipping the Classroom
This video, from Pennsylvania State University, explains the basics of classroom flipping: a teaching technique in which teachers lecture outside of class time, so in class time can be used to have students work on activities together. 
Screenshot for For Employers: Resources for Hiring and Inclusion
This resource, provided by DeafTEC provides "employers like you with resources you can use to attract, interview, and hire deaf and hard-of-hearing employees, and successfully integrate them into your workplace." In this section, several pages which cover information on hiring deaf and...
Screenshot for How About a Quick One?
In this article, the author discusses the advantages of active teaching and learning methods vs. chalk and talk traditional teaching with particular relevance for technical courses. Felder describes formats and strategies for small-group in-class exercises and producing the one-minute paper.
Screenshot for How ATE PIs at HSIs Engage Hispanic Students in Technician Programs
This panel recording from the 2019 NSF ATE principle investigator (PI) conference features three ATE PIs from Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). In the video, Diego Tibaquira, Chander Arora, and Ronnie Brannon provide information on recruitment, demographics, and education at HSIs. Tibaquira...
Screenshot for Information and Useful Strategies to Guide More Culturally Responsive Education
This virtual session, from the HSI ATE HUB project, took place at the 2021 HI-TEC Conference. The session provides "strategies and practices that technician educators can apply... to better serve diverse students in community and technical colleges." The importance of Hispanic Serving Institutions...
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