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This Grant Opportunities and Success Strategies Webinar from Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC) focuses on external resources, such as those from federally funded grant programs that can help a college or district continue to grow and innovate. Understanding the various...
This resource from Johns Hopkins University has audio and interactive components. Various forms of the Fourier series description for periodic signals are based on alternate ways of writing a cosine signal. This resource goes over Phasors, Phasor Sums, Harmonic Phasor Sums, Gibbs Effect, Windowing,...
This resource provides an introductory activity on how electrons move. Core concepts include the discovery of the electron, electric forces and fields, how an electron moves in an electric field, designing an electric field, magnetic fields and how an electron moves in a magnetic field. The...
How to Develop and Market a Career Development Course to Recruit Women in Technology Related ClassesThis archived webinar was presented by Geri Hertel. Geri will lead you through the step-by-step process of creating a Women in Technology class. She also includes a sample curriculum that you may use as a model for constructing a course like this. Java is required to access the webinar.
This website is provided by Shodor Education Foundation and contains a series of online interactive activities designed for use in middle school mathematics. Topics include: Geometry, Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Modeling, Discrete, and others.
The website provides interactive plasma physics tutorials on topics including electricity, magnetism, energy, and fusion. The site has links to Virtual Tokamak and Virtual Magnetic Stability Modules as well as Java applets to learn about Plasma and Fusion Containment.
This resource provides an introductory activity on "the basic quantum mechanics concepts about electrons that are essential to understanding modern and future technology- especially nanotechnology that will be vitally important to the industry." Core concepts include probability distribution,...
This video recording, from Excelsior College, demonstrates a simulation that takes users through a series of job tasks as an electrical mechanical technician. This simulation is a situation that involves "a three-phase press motor in the Manufacturing area overheating." Maintenance operations are...
This web page from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) features several virtual tours of manufacturing facilities located in the state of Florida. Combs Welding Design, Southern Powder Coat, EMI Industries, Teltronics, Vulcan Machine and several other...
These video recordings from Excelsior College take users through two manufacturing personal protective equipment (PPE) simulations. The first simulation is a scenario involving "... an intake slurry valve that operates by pneumatic valve control systems [that] has stopped working." The second...
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