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This 5:58-minute talk, from designer Bastain Schaefer and TEDGlobal, asks individuals to consider the possibility that, someday, our jet planes could be made by using 3D printers. As he asks: can individuals imagine jet planes with strong, flexible forms "that's full of light and space - and built...
Screenshot for A Biomimetic 2D Transistor for Audiomorphic Computing
This 10-page article, published by Nature Publishing Group, discusses research related to neuromorphic computing. This research involves "... a biomimetic audiomorphic device that captures the neurobiological architecture and computational map inside the auditory cortex of barn owl..." Mimicking...
This paper, from engineering faculty at Purdue University and the president of ATeL LLC, producer of virtual lab technology, covers the design of an engineering course on "Wireless Networking" in a traditional classroom and distance learning format. The paper discusses "how classroom learning can be...
This 20-page paper, by Janet Washborn of Wisconsin's Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was written to explore "patterns of and influences in student attrition in manufacturing and engineering technologist and technician education programs." In hopes of uncovering...
Screenshot for A Comparison of Scale Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces "various concepts associated with scale, and a comparison of the macro, micro and nano-scales." This module is divided into the following six units: Knowledge Probe (KP) or Pre-test, Comparison of...
Screenshot for A Comparison of the Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Sectors in Germany and the United States, with Recommendations for Engineering Teaching Practices
This 22-page paper was presented at the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and reports on a U.S. faculty international study program. This study explored the intersection of the German renewable energy and energy storage sectors. The international program included...
This poster, from the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science, provides information on elements of college culture that promote women's interest in engineering. The poster displays the results of a National Science Foundation study identifying "four common factors across...
Screenshot for A Detailed Tour of Biotech Careers
In this BETA skills virtual workshop from Forsyth Technical Community College, Todd Smith from Digital World Biology provides guidance on how to use the Biotech-Careers website. Smith provides a walkthrough of the site, which includes information on the audience and its sustainability. Smith also ...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the AMTEC Academy - Maintenance: What Does this Mean to the Maintenance Technician conference held March 22-23, 2012. This presentation from Ed Mahood introduces a European perspective on...
This study, from the Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network, examined the efficacy of a female engineering outreach program called Women Engineers at the Beach. After participating in the program, 61.5% of female high school students performing at grade level in math and 90.1% of female...
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